Legal Cheek Careers

The latest careers content in one place, plus events, key deadlines, campus ambassador programme details and the Legal Cheek Most Lists.

The junior City lawyer who’s running the show for Norton Rose Fulbright in Newcastle

As the firm’s North East hub expands offering new opportunities for graduates in the region, Legal Cheek Careers meets Kiran Radhakrishnan

Oct 5 2017 3:59pm

How students who embrace technology will become tomorrow’s infrastructure law stars

From connected and autonomous vehicles to internet-synced highway and maintenance gizmos, the world is changing -- and needs lawyers who understand it

Oct 4 2017 10:03am

How commercially relevant pro bono can take junior lawyers out of their comfort zone

Legal Cheek Careers meets Hogan Lovells’ legendary pro bono chief Yasmin Waljee

Sep 27 2017 1:45pm

Event: Infrastructure, the next growth area for lawyers — with Burges Salmon

Commercial Awareness Question Time is coming to Bristol

Sep 25 2017 2:07pm

Why blockchain is here to stay as a force for good

And lawyers have a central role to play, says Norton Rose Fulbright fintech partner Victoria Birch

Sep 18 2017 3:00pm

The lawyer who works from his garden on some of the best-known cases in Britain

Leading media lawyer Jonathan Coad on his switch from Lewis Silkin equity partner to Keystone Law consultant

Sep 12 2017 2:05pm

Event: Bitcoin, blockchain & smart contracts — and the next generation of lawyers

Norton Rose Fulbright fintech lawyers share their experiences from the tech frontiers

Sep 8 2017 3:51pm

How to approach university Clearing

You can have a stress-free results day, says The University of Law’s Director of Admissions

Aug 16 2017 10:00am

A trainee solicitor’s experience of law firm innovation

Reed Smith's Shannon Diggory reports from the City frontline

Aug 9 2017 11:11am

How to make the most of your London law degree

City, University of London law student Christianah Babajide on the advantages of studying in the capital

Jul 26 2017 11:50am

8 tangible benefits that technology is bringing to law firms

Ahead of Pinsent Masons’ training contract application deadline on Friday, five lawyers and technologists at the famously tech-savvy firm consider how innovation is helping them

Jul 24 2017 3:41pm

Four key moments from ‘How to make it as a City lawyer’

Last minute TC application gold

Jul 21 2017 2:40pm

What you don’t learn watching Suits

A Macfarlanes NQ, associate and partner discuss what they do on a deal

Jul 18 2017 10:37am

How approachable partners can make all the difference during your training contract

Open plan office, team nights out and annual ski trip set the tone, RPC rookie tells Legal Cheek Careers

Jul 14 2017 1:27pm

Training contract applications, they’re a two-way street

Think as much about what you can offer the firm as what the firm can offer you, advises Norton Rose Fulbright trainee Gillian Jaravaza

Jul 11 2017 4:01pm

Where will corporate law firms be ten years from now?

Pinsent Masons partner Richard Masters draws on 30 years of practice to forecast what comes next

Jul 10 2017 10:08am

From student to solicitor: The most important things that you learn during your training contract

‘A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new’

Jul 5 2017 2:11pm

Five qualities that make a good corporate lawyer

Ahead of 'How to make it as a City lawyer' on Thursday, Herbert Smith Freehills associate Siddhartha Shukla discusses the key skills he has learnt in his career to date

Jul 3 2017 4:01pm

Law firms are not looking for ‘the polished, finished article’

Ahead of How to make it as a City Lawyer, BPP lecturer and former City lawyer Charlie Radcliffe talks training contracts and showing your 'human side'

Jun 30 2017 12:04pm

Alternative careers for law graduates: financial crime

Former Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer Garry Clement -- who has seen it all -- is consistently impressed by the qualities that those from a legal background bring to his specialism of financial crime

Jun 28 2017 11:47am

An engineering graduate’s journey into law

Ahead of 'How to make it as a City Lawyer', Mayer Brown associate Emma Sturt considers the skills that science students bring to the legal profession

Jun 26 2017 3:14pm