Is The LNAT Fit For Purpose?
Barrister-to-be Jack Smith, whose LNAT score didn’t correspond with his other academic results, isn’t convinced...
Bar Overplays The Independence Card
Gratuitous individuality threatens to hold chambers back at critical period for the legal market, writes...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 2 February
Cheryl Cole starts legal proceedings against claims made by MC Harvey – The Mirror New...
At Least You’re Not an Italian Trainee Lawyer…
As English law students worry about the possible scrapping of the minimum trainee solicitor salary,...
AUNTIE EM’S HOMESPUN ADVICE FOR LAWYERS: Learning the office politics game
Follow @emilyjupp Dear Auntie Em, I’ve started recently as a trainee at a law firm...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 1 February
John Terry will not attend court to deny racist abuse charge – The Mirror Sacked...
BSB Finally Suspends £81K Theft Barrister – Before He Appears For Client In Front Of Judge Due To Sentence Him
In the last few hours the Bar Standards Board (BSB) has belatedly suspended David Friesner,...
Lawyers and Tattoos: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
When I saw a picture the other day of Mexican vampire woman Maria Jose Cristerna...
MP Demands Action After Legal Cheek Reveals £81K Theft Barrister is Still Practising
Today in the House of Commons, Leeds North West MP Greg Mulholland will call for...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 31 January
Mike Semple Piggot meets struck-off barrister David Harris – Charon QC Legal action against ex-MI6...
Farewell To The Arse
A couple of weeks ago the excellent law student information site LawCareers.Net described Legal Cheek’s...
Legal Am-Dram: Lawyers Retry Playwright Joe Orton
Legal Cheek associate editor Emily Jupp reviews Friday’s re-trial of 1960s playwright and library-book defacer...
If You Can’t Bag a Pupillage in England Can You Do it Abroad?
Unable to secure a pupillage in London, Shafik Cassim has had more luck in Mauritius This...
The Generous Lawyer
Monday morning lawyer joke, courtesy of Cheech One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 30 January
Retired lawyer faces jail for ‘harassing’ Kate and Gerry McCann – The Telgraph Growing number...
#RoundMyKitchenTable: Poulter & Aldridge Meet the Shadow Attorney General
This week on the #RoundMyKitchenTable podcast shadow Attorney-General Emily Thornberry joins journalist Alex Aldridge and...
EXCLUSIVE: £81K Theft Barrister is STILL PRACTISING While On Bail Awaiting Sentencing
A barrister awaiting sentencing after admitting stealing £81,500 from his former chambers represented a client...
Tweeting Barrister Struck-Off by BSB
Along with Mike Semple Piggot (@CharonQC), intellectual property barrister David Harris (@Geeklawyer) is one of...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 27 January
Barrister (pictured) signs curry deal with Jamie Oliver’s agent – Wirral Globe Leveson suggests Facebook...
Contempt of Court : Another One Heads to Jail
A man who shouted obscenities at a judge and punched a bench has become the...
Son of ‘End of Lawyers’ Author Susskind is…a Law Student
Like the popular astrologist Shelley von Strunckel, legal futurologist Richard Susskind OBE makes his living...