Morning Round-Up: Thursday 7 June
Most students at law school have ‘no hope of a job’ – Evening Standard Should...
Kate Middleton’s In-House Lawyer Ex-Boyfriend To Marry Marquess’ Daughter
When St Andrews University law student Rupert Finch pulled a hot first year called Kate...
Top QC In W*nker Hand Gesture Shame
Barrister delivers annoying speech. Rival barrister rolls his eyes, turns to his junior and conspiratorially...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 6 June
City lawyer ‘lost her £200,000 job after exposing corruption’ – The Telegraph Breivik murder trial...
PODCAST: Why Lawyers Need To Hustle To Stay In The Game During a Recession
Solicitor Jonathan Lea makes the short trip up from Bargate Murray HQ at Shoreditch’s Silicon...
Isn’t It About Time That a Valid Constitutional Purpose Was Served By Our Queen?
She is the single biggest drain on the benefits system. Her grandchildren throw weddings that...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 1 June
Legal ‘hell’ over stunts staged by explorer Fiennes – Yorkshire Post So Butler-Sloss, our women...
Drug Arrest Of Pupil Henry Mostyn Is ‘Fuss About Nothing’
I have followed the saga about Henry Mostyn, the pupil found with a small amount...
Danger! High Voltage: The College Of Law Ad Causing Chaos On The Tube
I spotted this ad for the College of Law on the Tube at King’s Cross...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 31 May
Christopher Grierson: Reaction Ex-Hogan Lovells partner jailed for three years over £1.27m fraud – The...
Interview Essentials: ‘It’s OK, Nobody Else Knows What the F*ck Commercial Awareness Is Either’
The other night I went out for a curry with a bunch of associate solicitors...
What Effect Will The Eurozone Crisis Have On Wannabe Lawyers?
Yesterday, I attended a conference organised by the European Commission in Brussels. It was called,...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 30 May
Millionaire parked his Range Rover outside solicitor’s office with posters claiming he ‘charged £4,000 for...
‘Train To Be a Lawyer In Just One Year’: Too Good To Be True?
In February, I mentioned an advert for the London College of Law (not to be...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 29 May
Henry Mostyn: Reaction Barrister son of top judge who left wife for widow of divorce...
Law Grad Who Attempted To Pass Himself Off As a Barrister From His Pop Up Office In a Pub Is Jailed
Earlier this month, Legal Cheek brought you news of the strange case of Marious Pimm,...
Going, Gone: Bemusement As Law School’s Facebook LPC Place ‘Reverse Auction’ Is Over In Seconds
Earlier this month, the National College of Legal Training (NCLT) announced, to much fanfare, that...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 28 May
Lawyer who sued health club because he didn’t like the breakfast there loses case…and judge...
NAMED: The Law Firm Requiring Grads To Self-Fund a £9.5K Paralegal Training Course Before They’re Considered For a TC
EXCLUSIVE: In March, Legal Cheek published a story about a firm that was asking law...
Jaguar Shoes v Jaguar Cars: Blame It On The Lawyers!
Just down the road from my crumbling flat in Hackney Legal Cheek’s Dalston studios is...