
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 7 June

Most students at law school have ‘no hope of a job’ – Evening Standard Should...

Jun 7 2012 8:16am

Kate Middleton’s In-House Lawyer Ex-Boyfriend To Marry Marquess’ Daughter

When St Andrews University law student Rupert Finch pulled a hot first year called Kate...

Jun 6 2012 2:48pm

Top QC In W*nker Hand Gesture Shame

Barrister delivers annoying speech. Rival barrister rolls his eyes, turns to his junior and conspiratorially...

Jun 6 2012 9:37am

Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 6 June

City lawyer ‘lost her £200,000 job after exposing corruption’ – The Telegraph Breivik murder trial...

Jun 6 2012 8:27am

PODCAST: Why Lawyers Need To Hustle To Stay In The Game During a Recession

Solicitor Jonathan Lea makes the short trip up from Bargate Murray HQ at Shoreditch’s Silicon...

Jun 1 2012 2:32pm

Isn’t It About Time That a Valid Constitutional Purpose Was Served By Our Queen?

She is the single biggest drain on the benefits system. Her grandchildren throw weddings that...

Jun 1 2012 9:52am

Morning Round-Up: Friday 1 June

Legal ‘hell’ over stunts staged by explorer Fiennes – Yorkshire Post So Butler-Sloss, our women...

Jun 1 2012 8:32am

Drug Arrest Of Pupil Henry Mostyn Is ‘Fuss About Nothing’

I have followed the saga about Henry Mostyn, the pupil found with a small amount...

May 31 2012 12:15pm

Danger! High Voltage: The College Of Law Ad Causing Chaos On The Tube

I spotted this ad for the College of Law on the Tube at King’s Cross...

May 31 2012 9:35am

Morning Round-Up: Thursday 31 May

Christopher Grierson: Reaction Ex-Hogan Lovells partner jailed for three years over £1.27m fraud – The...

May 31 2012 8:37am

Interview Essentials: ‘It’s OK, Nobody Else Knows What the F*ck Commercial Awareness Is Either’

The other night I went out for a curry with a bunch of associate solicitors...

May 30 2012 1:55pm

What Effect Will The Eurozone Crisis Have On Wannabe Lawyers?

Yesterday, I attended a conference organised by the European Commission in Brussels. It was called,...

May 30 2012 10:04am

Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 30 May

Millionaire parked his Range Rover outside solicitor’s office with posters claiming he ‘charged £4,000 for...

May 30 2012 8:03am

‘Train To Be a Lawyer In Just One Year’: Too Good To Be True?

In February, I mentioned an advert for the London College of Law (not to be...

May 29 2012 2:19pm

Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 29 May

Henry Mostyn: Reaction Barrister son of top judge who left wife for widow of divorce...

May 29 2012 6:27am

Law Grad Who Attempted To Pass Himself Off As a Barrister From His Pop Up Office In a Pub Is Jailed

Earlier this month, Legal Cheek brought you news of the strange case of Marious Pimm,...

May 28 2012 12:42pm

Going, Gone: Bemusement As Law School’s Facebook LPC Place ‘Reverse Auction’ Is Over In Seconds

Earlier this month, the National College of Legal Training (NCLT) announced, to much fanfare, that...

May 28 2012 9:29am

Morning Round-Up: Monday 28 May

Lawyer who sued health club because he didn’t like the breakfast there loses case…and judge...

May 28 2012 8:04am

NAMED: The Law Firm Requiring Grads To Self-Fund a £9.5K Paralegal Training Course Before They’re Considered For a TC

EXCLUSIVE: In March, Legal Cheek published a story about a firm that was asking law...

May 25 2012 10:16am

Jaguar Shoes v Jaguar Cars: Blame It On The Lawyers!

Just down the road from my crumbling flat in Hackney Legal Cheek’s Dalston studios is...

May 25 2012 9:32am