Happy Birthday: Legal Cheek Is One
A year ago today we launched with this post from Android. Since then, the site...
Fake QC Who Offered Bogus Pupillages Was Campaign Manager Of PCC Candidate Mervyn Barrett, Claims Solicitor
This is one of those ‘Wow, just wow!’ stories. It has two strands, which come...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 24 October
Law graduate snubbed by wedding hotels turns out to be star of adult TV [Mail...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Say no to Movember [The Kernel] Now BBC ‘censors’ Savile emails: Lawyers pull messages hinting...
Please, No More ‘Nietzsche And The Law’! Why Americans Are Looking Enviously At The GDL Route To Legal Qualification
In comparison to our odd system of legal education – which sprawls haphazardly from the...
The ‘Hilarious’ Video Craze Sweeping Law
There’s currently a fad among lawyers to craft – and sometimes tragically star in –...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 23 October
Blur drummer-turned Kingsley Napley solicitor Dave Rowntree attends Q awards bash on his lunch break...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Campaign team of PCC candidate Mervyn Barrett (who has rather a lot of Twitter followers)...
Twitter Suspends QualitySolicitors’ Anti Co-Op Law Account
QualitySolicitors’ campaign against “faceless” legal services providers – which we highlighted on Friday – has backfired after...
Arab Lawyers Union’s Reported Decision To Honour Law Student Suicide Bomber Could Spark UK Response
A story has been doing the rounds on Twitter and in the Blogosphere over the...
Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race Protester Trenton Oldfield And His, Er, Oxford-Educated Lawyers…
While the decision to jail Trenton Oldfield has been greeted with shock – the New...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 22 October
Britain’s legal system needs an overhaul [Financial Times] Charon UK Tour update…and the new ‘Roving...
Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. Is It OK For a Law Firm To Publicly Describe One Of Its Secretaries...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Top female barrister’s career in tatters after assault conviction for pulling her 11-year-old daughter’s hair...
Parading Around With a Tyre On Your Head: Enough To Halt The Tide Of Co-op Law?
Spotted yesterday in Covent Garden: representatives of QualitySolicitors parading around with vegetables and tyres on...
Claims Consultant’s ‘Independent’ Pressure Group Seems Rather Close To Russell Jones & Walker…
Bully-Banks, the anti-bank pressure group founded by claims consultant and former barrister Jeremy Roe, is...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 19 October
British court says Apple is way cooler than Samsung; but coolness ≠ IP infringement [Above...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Gay couple win Berkshire B&B refusal case [BBC] Nick Griffin tweets gay B&B couple’s home...
Car Ploughs Through The Wall Of Law Firm AGAIN: Potentially Deadly Crash Is Second In 6 Years
Is Exeter law firm St James’ Solicitors the most dangerous place to work in Britain?...
ADVICE: ‘My Writer Husband Is Demanding That I Do a Justine Thornton’
Dear Auntie Em, Since the Labour Party conference earlier this month, my husband has been...
How Weird And Frightening Should You Be Allowed To Be On Twitter Before You Get Prosecuted?
Yesterday’s debate on free speech vs regulation of social media – held at London’s Free...