Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 4 December
Google ‘should face libel laws over blogging site’ [Metro] Philadelphia judge ‘hangs himself after separating...
End Of The Day Round-Up
“Today’s score on Twitter: @Pontifex 1 – 2 Royal Family. The Vatican easily out-newsed on...
Dinah Rose QC: ‘Marrying A Male Barrister Is A Disaster’
“Marry a house-husband! A 1950s-style wife – someone to have dinner on the table!” Dinah...
Leveson And The Internet: Would Regulation Be A Good Thing For Legal Bloggers?
There was a brilliant cartoon in The Sun over the weekend making light of the...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 3 December
Mail finds new love for Human Rights Act [UK Human Rights Blog] as Shami Chakrabarti opposes...
Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ Issues Challenge Based On The Life...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Porn producers face legal action over Fifty Shades of Grey adaptation [Metro] Office of judicial...
‘So Why Be A Lawyer? There Are Many Bad Reasons…’
Ed note: This is the sixth in a series of posts where leading members of...
Law Student Assoc Slammed For Using ‘Disrespectful’ Image To Plug Benefits Of Networking Via Its Facebook Page
Take a school uniform-clad Hollywood star, superimpose over her the logo of your law students’...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 30 November
The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers [The Spectator] I’m a barrister,...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Judge Michael Stokes QC wins The “Common Sense Award” [The Sun] Law student Countdown contestant...
Top Ten Funniest #Leveson Tweets
Amid the Twitter storm of earnest pontification which greeted the publication of Lord Justice Leveson’s...
BPP Law School Makes BPTC Student Resit Exams After Her Results Were Lost (And It Almost Remains A Secret)
BPP Law School generally does a good job of, er, ‘managing its reputation’. But even...
Newly-Merged SNR Denton, Salans and FMC Wants To Go By Its ‘Street Name’
Following on from the agreement of the partners at SNR Denton, Salans and FMC to...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 29 November
The future of the legal profession in England and Wales: depressing or inspiring? [Standpoint] Transfer...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Are magistrates and juries using Google to help them reach their verdicts? [The Telegraph] SNR...
Why You Shouldn’t Post The Viral Mumbo Jumbo Legal Message On Your Facebook Wall
Earlier in the day we posted a note on our Facebook page about the pseudo-legal...
JOB ALERT: Russian-Speaking Paralegal
From Baby Barristers: a leading London-based international law firm seeks a paralegal who speaks fluent...
Bringing Facebook-Style Hackathons To The Law
Legal Cheek’s tech correspondent i@n davison shares his diary from one of the all-night hackathons...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 28 November
Can you get around Facebook’s terms of service by posting some legal-sounding mumbo-jumbo on your...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Wannabe lawyers face new embarrassing Twitter archive threat [Mail Online] ‘If I could turn back...