End Of The Day Round-Up
Baroness Scotland QC told by school careers adviser that best she could hope for was...
Law Society President: Women Lawyers Who Work Flexibly At City Firms Are ‘Put Onto The Slow Stream’
Law Society president Lucy Scott-Moncrieff raised eyebrows in the City last week when she suggested...
Women Lawyers Earn £50K Less Than Their Male Counterparts
The average female lawyer is paid £51,396 less per year than the average male lawyer,...
Court Of Appeal Dismisses Latest Case Of Litigant-In-Person Bar Graduate
The Court of Appeal has dismissed a libel case brought by a pupillage-less Bar graduate...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 23 January
Lindsay Lohan’s new lawyer is sponsored by ‘foodie socialite’ to allow him to represent her...
Fired Allen & Overy Lawyer-Turned-Sex Novelist Tells Of New Life in 2 Room Cabin Rented By The Night On Her Credit Card
Pursuing your dreams can come at a price. Deidre Dare (real name: Deidre Clark) used...
A Corporate Lawyer’s Guide To Leaving The Office
Brilliant stuff from former Skadden associate Rob Pollak. There’s more from Pollak on his blog,...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 21 January
Threat to the courts system as barristers google jurors then alter speeches to win sympathy...
Legal Cheek High Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. The Definitive Way To Decide Whether You Should Become A Barrister Or A Solicitor...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Two lawyers admit posting rants under pseudonyms on newspaper website about active cases and sitting...
PODCAST: How To Schmooze Your Way To Partnership Riches
When pushed to get out and flaunt their wares, many lawyers tend to think (but...
‘I’m Glad I Didn’t Know Some Things I Said In Court Were Prattish: Ignorance Gives You The Freedom To Experiment’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Top Barristers’ Chambers in National Newspaper ‘Pupilage’ Spelling Howler
An ad in yesterday’s law section of The Times contained a rather embarrassing spelling mistake…
Morning Round-Up: Friday 18 January
A lawyer’s amazingly detailed analysis of Bilbo’s contract in The Hobbit [Wired] Former Leeds University...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Thom Yorke threatens to “sue the living shit” out of David Cameron if the prime...
Students Point Finger At ‘Stingy’ City Law Firms As Donation-Starved FRU Hikes Adviser Training Price By 23%
Law students signing up as Free Representation Unit (FRU) advisers have been surprised to find...
Will The Next Generation Of Apprentice Lawyers Become Solicitors Or Legal Executives?
Over Christmas, the announcement by minister for skills Matthew Hancock that school-leavers students will soon...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 17 January
In defence of the existing law on social media [UK Criminal Law Blog] High street...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Residents’ legal action over chicken factory smell [Northampton Chronicle & Echo] ‘Why did the US...
Court Reporter Suppresses Giggles As She Describes Martial Arts Shopping Trolley Fight That Led To Cowboy Hat Urination Incident
Irish court correspondent Ursula McCarthy has somehow managed to (just about) keep it together as...
JOB ALERT: Commercially-Minded Third Six Pupils
From Baby Barristers: a leading barristers’ chambers seeks third six pupils who have completed pupillage...