
Morning Round-Up: Monday 5 November

Taxi for the billable hour… [Clerkingwell] A solution to the prisoners’ votes problem [The Law...

Nov 5 2012 9:04am

Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories

1. Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up...

Nov 3 2012 4:50pm

End Of The Day Round-Up

Leaving work on a Friday [#WhatShouldWeCallMe] What to do about trolls? [The Justice Gap] Twists...

Nov 2 2012 6:09pm

‘I’ve Never Regretted Being Tricked Into The Law’

Ed note: This is the second in a series of posts where leading members of...

Nov 2 2012 2:26pm

Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up

It started with this proud tweet from John Cooper QC. Which was followed by this...

Nov 2 2012 9:50am

Morning Round-Up: Friday 2 November

Legal profession giddy with excitement as Chambers and Partners’ new UK rankings released [Twitter] Lawyer...

Nov 2 2012 9:20am

End Of The Day Round-Up

British judge: Say you’re sorry Apple… this time like you MEAN it [The Register] Chorley...

Nov 1 2012 7:21pm

Law Firm Logo Of The Week

As highlighted by legal tweeter extraordinaire Antonin Pribetic.

Nov 1 2012 2:43pm

Why Unemployed Law Graduates Should Ignore The Trend To Go Out On The Street And Hustle For a Job

Earlier this week, a City lawyer told me that his firm had experienced a “surge”...

Nov 1 2012 10:37am

Morning Round-Up: Thursday 1 November

Solicitor aims to be UK Scrabble champion [BBC] Society of Black Lawyers’ Peter Herbert on...

Nov 1 2012 9:28am

End Of The Day Round-Up

Exclusive pictures: the decaying state of our courts [Life In The Bus Lane] Russell Brand...

Oct 31 2012 6:47pm

How Never Having Done a Pupillage Needn’t Stop You Appearing On The Telly As a ‘Barrister’

Over the weekend, David Neita, a self-styled ‘People’s Lawyer and People’s Poet’, was interviewed on BBC...

Oct 31 2012 1:12pm

How Supreme Court Justices Can Save Legal Aid

In these tough economic times, it would be a shame for those costumes to go...

Oct 31 2012 10:00am

Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 31 October

The law and magical thinking [Jack of Kent] Tooks chambers barrister: FA’s anti-racism rules are...

Oct 31 2012 8:58am

End Of The Day Round-Up

Judge ‘screamed at pregnant defendant and told her she was worthless before storming out of...

Oct 30 2012 6:57pm

The Law Firms Which Owe £5K To a Barrister 4 YEARS After He Was Instructed By Them

Legal Cheek has obtained records that show the names of 15 law firms which have...

Oct 30 2012 10:27am

Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 30 November

Legal aid cheats targeted by Ministry of Justice [BBC] Society of Black Lawyers calls on...

Oct 30 2012 9:07am

End Of The Day Round-Up

US Supreme Court isn’t troubled by Hurricane Sandy [Reuters] Law firm’s Lance Armstrong comment [Private...

Oct 29 2012 6:42pm

*Inns Of Court Scholarship Deadline Alert*

Wannabe barristers who forget to apply for a lucrative Inns of Court scholarship may find...

Oct 29 2012 2:06pm

Stop Insulting Powerful People With Cruel ‘Twits’ Gibes, Urges Bar Standards Board Chief

Yesterday on her blog Bar Standards Board (BSB) chief Baroness Ruth Deech argued that there...

Oct 29 2012 11:29am