Unlikely Piece Of Law Firm Artwork Of The Week
Amid the corporate swirls and twee etchings at HowardKennedyFSi’s offices, where the Legal Cheek team...
Tooksgate: Michael Mansfield Releases Statement Saying He ‘Would Not Knowingly Have Become Involved In An Event That Charged Students’
Michael Mansfield QC, the star speaker at the now notorious paid-for pupillage application advice event,...
‘In Those Days Getting A 2:2 Wasn’t A Great Concern’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 1 March
Rolling Stones threaten legal action over new swinging 60s musical Carnaby Street [The Independent] Judge...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Vatican’s plan to call retiring pontiff Benedict XVI “Pope Emeritus” hits snag as rapper who...
Hacking Trend Hits Law As North London Solicitors Firm Is ‘Attacked By Some Unknown Gunmen’
These days, everyone seems to be getting hacked. From Facebook to Burger King to Highgate...
Is The Criminal Bar Finally Eating Itself?
Forget the rights and wrongs of the decision by two Tooks’ barristers to start a...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 28 February
Parents in custody disputes spit and throw chairs at judges [The Guardian] CPS staff members...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Youngest of the new silks is just a year older than Spurs’ rookie manager Andre...
Cambridge Academic: Corporate Law Firms Need Less Top Graduates And More Loyal Grafters With Low Ambitions
At a time when the legal services market is “going through the most tremendous upheaval...
‘We Need Some More Girls In Here: There’s Too Many Man, Too Many Many Man’ In The UK Supreme Court
The news that the latest three appointments to the Supreme Court are all men means...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 27 February
2013 QC appointments: full list [Crime Line] One solicitor makes grade in QC round [Law...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Three male Supreme Court justices appointed to top court [Legal Week] More evidence of the...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Florida set to execute man tomorrow despite lawyer missing key appeal deadline [Amnesty] Know-it-all law...
Tooks QC Distances Himself From Colleagues’ ‘Ground Breaking’ How-To-Get-A-Pupillage Money Making Venture – But Mansfield Still Scheduled To Speak
On Friday we revealed that the directors of the company behind an event charging wannabe...
Law Students Release Parody Of ‘Payphone’ by Maroon 5
“I’m at a law school trying to crawl through all of the work that we...
North West Law Firm Records World’s First Solicitor Harlem Shake Video
Last week we detailed how several universities and law schools had recorded their own versions...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 25 February
Lawyer was left trapped and forgotten in a jail for hours after trying to visit...
Legal Cheek High Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. The Best Explanation For Getting A 2:2 Ever 2. Tooks Chambers Barristers Start Company...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Joey Barton explains how he has concluded that Oscar Pistorius is “guilty of murder” [Twitter]...
‘Will Your Husband Mind If You Have To Work Late?’ Asked The Magic Circle Partner Who Interviewed Me For A TC
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...