
18 year-old becomes youngest ever barrister after passing BPTC

Gabrielle Turnquest, 18, will become the youngest person in the history of the English and...

Jul 30 2013 1:33pm

Lawyer files petition at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to challenge the unfair trial of Jesus Christ

A Kenyan lawyer has petitioned the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to...

Jul 30 2013 8:59am

Barrister puts wig and gown on eBay and issues dramatic warning to Bar wannabes

A junior barrister has ended her career in dramatic style by placing her “Ede and...

Jul 29 2013 8:13am

‘Why, oh why, am I a barrister?’

In this week’s ‘If I knew then what I know now’, human rights barrister Barbara...

Jul 26 2013 11:00am

Hotties of the week: ‘Melting barrister’s clerk’ slams ‘boiling barrister’

This week has seen not only the return of the “Barrister Hottie Experts”, but a...

Jul 26 2013 9:31am

Think a pregnancy monitored by the world’s media is stressful? Try starting a family at a City law firm…

 “Many law  firms seem to take the attitude that once you’ve got a bun in...

Jul 25 2013 12:43pm

A wannabe lawyer’s social media strategy to land a job through the showcasing of his buff physique

Want to make yourself stand out from the crowd of other jobless lawyers? Well, you...

Jul 25 2013 9:39am

Lord Justice Ward bows out with a tribute to oral advocacy

Legendary Court of Appeal judge Sir Alan Ward has delivered his final judgment. Compared to...

Jul 24 2013 2:18pm

How should chambers and law firms reject applicants?

Recently we received this email from a disgruntled pupillage-seeker… How did the pupillage-seeker know they...

Jul 24 2013 12:37pm

‘Your Barrister Boyfriend’ reveals 5 more ‘barrister hotties (or notties?)’ nominated by readers

The authors of the seminal ’21 hottest barristers in London’ — hosted on the YourBarristerBoyfriend Tumblr...

Jul 24 2013 9:07am

Olympic rower cleared of assault: Clifford Chance associate ‘was like a dog snapping’ as he ‘attempted to bite me on the nose’

Olympic rower Sean Corrigall has been cleared today of assaulting Clifford Chance associate Edward Dyson...

Jul 23 2013 4:45pm

The most error-strewn tweet announcing a new DPP ever?

Someone at “The Tomes” seems to have been in a little bit too much of...

Jul 23 2013 11:05am

Quitting a law degree because of a disappointing first year: a good idea?

Last week I got this email. My response is below. Dear Anonymous Lancaster University Student,...

Jul 23 2013 9:31am

How anonymous social media sensations can avoid getting sued

Amid the thrills of YourBarristerBoyfriend’s sensational arrival on the scene last week, there were —...

Jul 22 2013 12:22pm

Adventures in law firm marketing

Spotted yesterday in fashionable London artist enclave Hackney Wick. In the interests of accuracy, it...

Jul 22 2013 9:30am

‘You need an offer…but you only need one’

It took a stint working in marketing, a brief spell as a criminal barrister and...

Jul 19 2013 11:55am

What’s going on at Tooks Chambers?

Rumours are raging about the future of Tooks Chambers. Yesterday Respect Party politician Lee Jasper...

Jul 19 2013 9:48am

JK Rowling slams Soho law firm — Soho law firm hangs partner out to dry

“To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I had assumed that I could...

Jul 19 2013 8:34am

Legal job website of the week

“We don’t list law jobs everyone wants,” reads the mission statement of US legal job...

Jul 18 2013 2:09pm

Cycling solicitor who jumped red light claims filming him is ‘against data protection law’

Woe betide any red light-jumping cyclist who encounters SonOfTheWinds, a YouTube phenomenon who spends his...

Jul 18 2013 9:40am

How to tell your parents that you failed your exams

Simple: present them with some even worse news to soften the blow… Hat tip to...

Jul 17 2013 1:21pm