A brief history of online overshare disasters
A spate of recent inter-lawyer Twitter bust-ups (see here, here and here) reminds WaitroseLaw of...
Why do rappers prefer Jewish lawyers over members of the legal profession of other faiths?
Comedy blog Slacktory has put together a compilation video of rappers reflecting proudly on their...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 12 August
Tennessee judge orders parents to change their son’s name from Messiah to Martin, because “only...
‘I spent my early years at the Bar worrying that my peers were smarter than me’
In this week’s ‘If I knew then what I know now’, Nigel Poole QC recalls...
Beware the Twitter wrath of the disgruntled mini-pupil
A mini-pupil has given a memorable demonstration of work experience disenchantment in the social media...
4 Breams Buildings removes chambers profile of Robert Colover after he becomes target of email hate campaign
The chambers of the barrister suspended from handling sex cases after calling a paedophile’s victim...
Justin Bieber ramps up social media presence in bid to develop personal injury and general litigation practice
US lawyer Justin Bieber, the owner of Philadelphia-based J.Bieber Law, has launched a social media...
Exclusive: BPP has been made a university
David Willetts, the minister of state for universities and science, has approved the granting of...
Top QC offers Chris Grayling work experience at her chambers
5KBW’s Sarah Forshaw QC has offered non-lawyer justice secretary Chris Grayling an opportunity to gain...
Why it’s risky to dance like nobody’s watching when the court has CCTV
A police officer in Italy’s supreme court has achieved global YouTube fame after being caught...
The legal profession has a problem with fake Twitter followers too
As regular Legal Cheek readers will know, the problem of fake Twitter followers — identified...
Could the legal aid reforms improve life for baby barristers?
It’s a confusing time for future legal aid barristers. On Friday a lucky few obtained...
Barrister creates two YouTube homages to himself: which one do you prefer?
YouTube is a tricky medium to get right. Still, full marks to 33 Bedford Row’s...
The worst attempt at a fraudulent personal injury claim ever?
Viral video website site released footage over the weekend of what may well be...
5 ways to announce to the world that you’ve bagged a pupillage
Friday was, of course, pupillage offer day. For the lucky ones, there was delight, followed...
‘The longer they could keep their young hungry bucks down, the better it was for the firm’
In this week’s ‘If I knew then what I know now’, former Bond Pearce solicitor...
Tooks withdraws mini-pupillage due to ‘unforeseen circumstances’ — and rules out placements for 2014
In the latest sign that all is not well at Tooks Chambers, Michael Mansfield QC’s...
Tuckers senior partner says it’s ‘not my job 2 care about justice’ and that he couldn’t ‘give a flying f… about anybody else’
After David Dickinson look-a-like (and Tuckers Solicitors senior partner) Franklin Sinclair showed off his Jaguar...
How junior lawyers can survive a merger
In the wake of yesterday’s tie-up between SJ Berwin and King & Wood Mallesons —...
11 tweets that encapsulate the horror of training contract deadline day
As the deadline for submitting training contract applications to most big law firms passed into...
Angel Chambers family law barrister in top bodybuilding competition win
Christina Chinnock of Angel Chambers in Swansea has scooped one of the top prizes at...