‘The painful truth is that there’s a lot of apathy and incompetence in the workplace’
Leading general counsel Tom Kilroy has, over time, learned to combine open-mindedness with a hard-headed...
Reed Smith partner tells blogger to ‘Go f@ck yourself and die’ in Twitter meltdown
A Reed Smith partner has proved that not all corporate lawyers are really boring on...
Morning round-up: Friday 18 October
Lawyers, beware lawyers [The Economist] Legal claims “could paralyse” armed forces [BBC News] President of...
End of the day round-up
New legal battle over gay adverts on London buses [The Telegraph] In praise of…Lord Neuberger...
‘Dozens’ of extra 2014 pupillages could be created by new Inns of Court subsidy scheme
The Inns of Court are to cover 50% of the cost of some pupillage awards...
Morning round-up: Thursday 17 October
Michael Mansfield QC calls for legal profession to strike against legal aid cuts [Justice Gap]...
End of the day round-up
Prisoners lose right to vote appeal at Supreme Court [The Mirror] Supreme Court judge lashes...
Stephenson Harwood hires ‘Huge Dong’
The Lawyer has reported that a corporate lawyer called “Huge Dong” has joined Stephenson Harwood’s...
Lawyer incorporates restaurant tips and Viagra quips into settlement offer letter — letter goes viral
A dispute between two US baseball players has spawned one of the most colourful settlement...
Morning round-up: Wednesday 16 October
Top solicitor who specialises in motoring “loophole” cases is caught at twice the drink-drive limit...
End of the day round-up
Judges lose their Sky TV at taxpayer funded lodgings [The Telegraph] David Tennat to star...
‘I have found myself on more than one occasion having to bite my tongue’
OccupyTheInns’ excitement at starting pupillage is tempered by frustration at the hierarchical nature of chambers...
This is how broke criminal barristers are
A divorce law barrister has posted a series of tweets laying bare just how broke...
Morning round-up: Tuesday 15 October
Attorney General: Britain’s “economic, physical and ethical well-being” depends on it playing an “active part”...
End of the day round-up
Baroness Hale to speak at (free) social mobility in legal aid event on Wednesday 30...
A guide to determining which type of fat cat lawyer the Daily Mail thinks you are
Blackfriars Chambers criminal barrister John Mack has created this useful cut-out-and-keep guide (click on image...
Three lawyers feature in The Independent’s ‘Pink List’ 2013
The legal profession is healthily represented in this year’s ‘Pink List’, with three of its...
Morning round-up: Monday 14 October
GCHQ accused of monitoring privileged emails between lawyers and clients [The Guardian] We need a...
Legal Cheek high five: the week’s most read stories
1. Top judge tells solicitor that his romantic emails to glamour model ‘would not necessarily...
End of the day round-up
Ban on Oxbridge hopefuls applying to both Oxford and Cambridge may breach EU competition law...
‘Although the choices you make in your twenties matter, they are rarely life threatening’
Barrister-turned-cartoonist Alex Williams feared expulsion when he cheated on a piece of work that his...