
‘Don’t giggle’ and Don’t ‘show cleavage’: Clifford Chance female presentation tips email causes outrage

A memo providing gender-specific advice on public speaking has caused anger among female Clifford Chance...

Oct 25 2013 9:49am

Pupillage-less Bar grad who used ‘barrister’ title to commit massive fraud is struck off

A Bar graduate who failed to secure pupillage has been stripped of the right to...

Oct 25 2013 8:10am

Morning round-up: Friday 25 October

Ambitious defence of the week: £40,000 worth of cannabis grown in Littledean home “was for...

Oct 25 2013 7:54am

End of the day round-up

Did the BBC breach copyright by “stealing chunks” of Alex Ferguson’s book? [The IPKat] BBC...

Oct 24 2013 5:16pm

Procrastination: a jaded solicitors’ guide

Once the sheer relief of having a job in a shrinking market has worn off,...

Oct 24 2013 2:03pm

The 19 stages of the BPTC

A journey through the sorrow and the joy of the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC)...

Oct 24 2013 9:46am

Morning round-up: Thursday 24 October

Barristers wrestle defendant to ground after he escapes from dock at Teeside Crown Court [The...

Oct 24 2013 8:18am

End of the day round-up

Televising the courts: the time has come [The Guardian] 5 ways to call in sick...

Oct 23 2013 4:03pm

How to broadcast your status as a free legal work champion to the nation’s road users

This personalised number plate — photographed last week by Alex Altman — doesn’t, somehow, seem...

Oct 23 2013 1:59pm

Law student YouTube sensations mock Snapchat addiction of fellow legal hopefuls

The law students behind the viral parody of Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines have made a...

Oct 23 2013 9:03am

Morning round-up: Wednesday 23 October

12 ridiculous and outdated British laws that still exist [Buzzfeed] Law in Action: Chemical weapons...

Oct 23 2013 8:13am

End of the day round-up

Legal experts urge us to compose final “tweet” to go out after we’re dead [Mail...

Oct 22 2013 4:21pm

Wannabe lawyer places photo of his penis online in protest at ‘tidal wave of social media firings’

Over the summer US law graduate Brian Zulberti achieved international fame after posting a bizarre,...

Oct 22 2013 10:14am

Morning round-up: Tuesday 22 October

A “legal assault” threatening the armed forces? Nonsense [The Guardian] From self-driving cars to man-made...

Oct 22 2013 8:07am

End of the day round-up

Devout Christian to mount landmark legal case for right to have Sundays off work [The...

Oct 21 2013 4:40pm

14 berserk Mail Online comments about Judge Peter Bowers following his decision not to jail a sex offender

Last year Crown Court Judge Peter Bowers caused outrage by stating that burglary required courage....

Oct 21 2013 1:39pm

Could competing in a beauty contest help you bag a training contract?

A Legal Practice Course (LPC) graduate who has reached the finals of Miss Great Britain...

Oct 21 2013 10:24am

Morning round-up: Monday 21 October

Tory MP says he felt zero hours contract pain…as a £250-an-hour barrister [The Mirror] Cherie...

Oct 21 2013 7:47am

Legal Cheek high five: the week’s most read stories

1. A guide to determining which type of fat cat lawyer the Daily Mail thinks...

Oct 19 2013 10:56am

End of the day round-up

“Slow, ignorant” lawyers charge by the hour to inflate bills, says Lord Neuberger [Evening Standard]...

Oct 18 2013 3:59pm

The language of the legal directory: Decoded

Wigapedia reveals the harsh reality behind the euphemisms used by the Legal 500 and Chambers...

Oct 18 2013 12:01pm