
Daily Mail readers’ hatred of criminal barristers — explored

A journey below the line of the recent Daily Mail article about a possible strike...

Nov 19 2013 9:12am

Morning round-up: Tuesday 19 November

An “object lesson in how modern litigation should not be conducted” [Solicitors Journal] Last British...

Nov 19 2013 8:00am

The end of the day round-up

Drink driver told he can live in his car despite being banned from the road...

Nov 18 2013 3:53pm

Note to Guardian sub-editors: wrong procedure rules

Without wishing to appear pedantic…

Nov 18 2013 1:50pm

Edinburgh University law students cause outrage after ‘blacking up’ as Somali pirates for fancy dress pub crawl

A group of law students are at the heart of a race row after they...

Nov 18 2013 10:21am

This virtual tour of the Inns of Court is pretty cool

To brighten up your Monday morning, why not fly like an eagle around the Inns...

Nov 18 2013 9:36am

Morning round-up: Monday 18 November

Barristers’ strike threat over cuts to legal aid [Channel 4 News] Top solicitor accused of...

Nov 18 2013 7:48am

Legal Cheek high five: the week’s most read stories

1. The 18 stages of the LPC 2. Downton Abbey or The Judiciary? 3. Newspaper...

Nov 16 2013 10:12am

The end of the day round-up

Complex fraud trial threatened as barristers decline work at reduced rate [The Guardian] Top judge:...

Nov 15 2013 3:54pm

‘I applied to every firm in my home town for a training contract and they all rejected me without interview’

Rejection has proved a source of motivation for BPP chief Carl Lygo on his journey...

Nov 15 2013 10:40am

Twitter trolls take over the Law Society

Escalating tensions at the Law Society — which is facing dissent from its members over...

Nov 15 2013 9:10am

Morning round-up: Friday 15 November

Legal drama Silk wins Writers’ Guild drama award [BBC News] Strong opposition to switching to...

Nov 15 2013 8:21am

The end of the day round-up

Lesbian couple “refused IVF” take legal action [The Telegraph] Criminal legal aid specialists meet Grayling...

Nov 14 2013 4:14pm

Named: The law firms with the most female lawyers and the law firms with the fewest

A comprehensive diversity survey contains some eye-catching results While women account for, on average, 56.5%...

Nov 14 2013 11:02am

Preliminary hearing takes place in a Magistrates Court car park with accused sitting in a taxi

On Tuesday, in what is believed to be a legal first, an entire Magistrates’ Court —...

Nov 14 2013 8:42am

Morning round-up: Thursday 14 November

Jesus’ crucifixion was legal, scholar says [Time] Ex-City lawyer outsourcers grow 400% and plot to...

Nov 14 2013 8:05am

The end of the day round-up

John McCririck loses his age discrimination case against Channel 4 [The Telegraph] Charlie Sheen “anus...

Nov 13 2013 4:10pm

Why are so many law students selling their pants online?

It wouldn’t be very scientific to attempt to draw conclusions about the indebted state of...

Nov 13 2013 1:20pm

Why money for pupil barristers is too tight not to mention

It is hard to support a young professional’s lifestyle on just £12,000-a-year, writes OccupyTheInns One...

Nov 13 2013 9:46am

Morning round-up: Wednesday 13 November

Too little too late as Daily Mail “corrects” bogus human rights splash [UK Human Rights...

Nov 13 2013 8:12am

The end of the day round-up

David Allen Green: Does the United Kingdom need a written constitution? [Financial Times] Diversity League...

Nov 12 2013 2:23pm