
This Facebook post doesn’t inspire confidence in the jury system

Defendants (and their lawyers) appearing at Teeside Crown Court next week may be interested to...

Jan 8 2014 9:14am

Morning round-up: Wednesday 8 January

Two guilty over abusive tweets to Caroline Criado-Perez [BBC News] Was South Square barrister Lucy...

Jan 8 2014 7:55am

The end of the day round-up

“No one is a bad public speaker, only untrained” (via @jamiesusskind) [The Guardian] At last,...

Jan 7 2014 4:35pm

How to get the Daily Mail onside

If demonstrating your desperation through a strike doesn’t change the mind of your foes, simply...

Jan 7 2014 12:20pm

Interview: Glamour model and law student Vanessa Knowles on her quest to bag a training contract

In autumn we reported on the glamour model who has used an Amazon Wishlist, and...

Jan 7 2014 9:41am

Morning round-up: Tuesday 7 January

Is there a case for the legal system to turn to European-style justice? [The Telegraph]...

Jan 7 2014 8:01am

The end of the day round-up

Corporate solicitor turned away from Ashes test match due to alleged inappropriateness of her dress...

Jan 6 2014 4:30pm

WalkOut4Justice: In pictures

This is how the first strike in the Bar’s history looked

Jan 6 2014 1:29pm

This is why criminal lawyers are striking today

This year some public sector workers will receive pay rises. Criminal barristers and solicitors, meanwhile,...

Jan 6 2014 8:00am

Morning round-up: Monday 6 January

Lawyers protesting outside courts over legal aid cuts [BBC News] Criminal barristers should have justice,...

Jan 6 2014 7:39am

The end of the day round-up

“Why law?” It’s the question every would-be law student dreads [The Guardian] Barrister David Lonsdale...

Jan 3 2014 4:00pm

The law firm at the heart of the Nick Griffin bankruptcy

Today it has been widely reported that BNP leader Nick Griffin has been declared bankrupt....

Jan 3 2014 12:59pm

The irresistibility of the competition lawyer

It’s safe to assume that few lawyers have successfully charmed members of the opposite sex...

Jan 3 2014 9:12am

Morning round-up: Friday 3 January

One thousand lawyers paid at least £100k a year from public purse…as they threaten strike...

Jan 3 2014 8:14am

The end of the day round-up

Simon Myerson QC: MoJ’s ad hoc statistical release is “mendacious bullshit” [Pupillage And How To...

Jan 2 2014 4:25pm

Pub owner’s reply to Starbucks Frappuccino cease and desist letter becomes viral hit

A plucky response to a law firm’s attempt to halt the sale of a beer...

Jan 2 2014 2:09pm

Morning round-up: Thursday 2 January

Murderers could get hundreds of years in jail to get round European Court ban [The...

Jan 2 2014 7:46am

Happy Christmas!

Dec 24 2013 3:13pm

A Publicly Funded Christmas Carol: The competitively-tendered trial of Lord Chancellor Scrooge

WaitroseLaw returns with the final instalment of her festive fable (you can read the whole...

Dec 24 2013 8:47am