This Facebook post doesn’t inspire confidence in the jury system
Defendants (and their lawyers) appearing at Teeside Crown Court next week may be interested to...
Morning round-up: Wednesday 8 January
Two guilty over abusive tweets to Caroline Criado-Perez [BBC News] Was South Square barrister Lucy...
The end of the day round-up
“No one is a bad public speaker, only untrained” (via @jamiesusskind) [The Guardian] At last,...
How to get the Daily Mail onside
If demonstrating your desperation through a strike doesn’t change the mind of your foes, simply...
Interview: Glamour model and law student Vanessa Knowles on her quest to bag a training contract
In autumn we reported on the glamour model who has used an Amazon Wishlist, and...
Morning round-up: Tuesday 7 January
Is there a case for the legal system to turn to European-style justice? [The Telegraph]...
The end of the day round-up
Corporate solicitor turned away from Ashes test match due to alleged inappropriateness of her dress...
WalkOut4Justice: In pictures
This is how the first strike in the Bar’s history looked
This is why criminal lawyers are striking today
This year some public sector workers will receive pay rises. Criminal barristers and solicitors, meanwhile,...
Morning round-up: Monday 6 January
Lawyers protesting outside courts over legal aid cuts [BBC News] Criminal barristers should have justice,...
The end of the day round-up
“Why law?” It’s the question every would-be law student dreads [The Guardian] Barrister David Lonsdale...
The law firm at the heart of the Nick Griffin bankruptcy
Today it has been widely reported that BNP leader Nick Griffin has been declared bankrupt....
The irresistibility of the competition lawyer
It’s safe to assume that few lawyers have successfully charmed members of the opposite sex...
Morning round-up: Friday 3 January
One thousand lawyers paid at least £100k a year from public purse…as they threaten strike...
The end of the day round-up
Simon Myerson QC: MoJ’s ad hoc statistical release is “mendacious bullshit” [Pupillage And How To...
Pub owner’s reply to Starbucks Frappuccino cease and desist letter becomes viral hit
A plucky response to a law firm’s attempt to halt the sale of a beer...
‘One might have been forgiven for thinking I’d set up a brothel’: 12 KBW rookie barrister slams King’s College after losing lectureship over his university appeals business
A rookie barrister has become embroiled in a very public war of words with King’s...
Morning round-up: Thursday 2 January
Murderers could get hundreds of years in jail to get round European Court ban [The...
A Publicly Funded Christmas Carol: The competitively-tendered trial of Lord Chancellor Scrooge
WaitroseLaw returns with the final instalment of her festive fable (you can read the whole...