
The law students providing legal advice to the Silicon Roundabout

What's it like advising east London tech entrepreneurs about the law?

Mar 11 2014 11:40am

‘As a lawyer, I try to relax by practicing Origami…’

The Lawyer-Origami meme has been crying out for a UK caption. Wigapedia does the honours.

Mar 11 2014 9:22am

Which universities did the winners of Clifford Chance’s CV Blind competition attend?

Magic circle firm reveals where the successful 20 studied.

Mar 10 2014 2:09pm

Rapper-turned-lawyer who thinks ‘like a criminal’ wins global fame with viral ad

Dramatised scenes of criminals thanking US lawyer Daniel Muessig before proceeding to commit further crimes rile legal profession but impress bloggers.

Mar 10 2014 9:07am

10 Vine messages for Chris Grayling

We asked protesters at today's demonstration against the legal cuts for their seven-second messages to Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.

Mar 7 2014 12:34pm

Day of action: ‘My uni mates went to magic circle firms, I chose the criminal Bar’

23 Essex Street junior Vicky Gainza finds the Crown Prosecution Service's threat to withhold work from striking barristers scary — but not as scary as the alternative of doing nothing to prevent the government's legal aid cuts.

Mar 6 2014 5:37pm

Was Dave on the phone to his criminal barrister brother?

The David Cameron-on-the-phone meme that has been sweeping the internet has arrived at the legal profession (starring the PM's brother, Three Raymond Buildings' Alex Cameron QC).

Mar 6 2014 4:33pm

How NOT to screw up your vac scheme assessment day

The anonymous trainee solicitor-to-be behind the hugely popular Twitter account @LawVicissitudes shares the wisdom he gleaned from multiple assessment day fails — and, eventually, one success.

Mar 6 2014 1:09pm

@ChrisGrayling: an apology on behalf of the legal profession

Meet Chris Grayling, a Kent-based maths tutor and writer who has endured a tough time from the nation's lawyers of late.

Mar 6 2014 9:24am

This is one way to respond to a Magistrates Court summons

What kind of a dope would use a Magistrates Court Summons to roll a joint?

Mar 5 2014 2:16pm

3 top QCs criticise plan to wear wigs during Friday’s day of action

A split has opened up between those who want to protest in full court garb, and those who don't.

Mar 5 2014 8:56am

Was this the worst start to a pupillage ever?

New pupil barrister on BBC legal drama Silk fails to impress on debut.

Mar 4 2014 12:34pm

9 photos of how places which featured in famous cases look today

The law graduate who spotted that the car park in Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking is being demolished has a blog containing photos of how places which featured in famous cases look today.

Mar 4 2014 9:48am

It’s the 7 year anniversary of the best law video ever made

Since appearing on YouTube on 2 March 2007, a Donoghue v Stevenson-inspired parody of The...

Mar 3 2014 2:59pm

Littleton Chambers barrister likened to Basil Fawlty as her hotel sideline venture is slammed on TripAdvisor

Flamboyant employment barrister discovers that TripAdvisor is rather more brutal than Chambers and Partners.

Mar 3 2014 11:57am

QC’s devastating response to CPS barrister threat made public as tensions rise ahead of Friday’s strike

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) warning that barristers who strike will lose work elicits memorable letter from 9-12 Bell Yard head Mukul Chawla QC.

Mar 3 2014 8:54am

Solicitor in zippable ‘Super Tie’ Dragon’s Den nightmare

A solicitor has had his entrepreneurial dream of "revolutionising neckwear for men" rubbished on BBC2's Dragon's Den.

Feb 28 2014 12:32pm

5 things you need to know about the MoJ’s terrifying legal aid cut announcement

The Ministry of Justice's long-awaited announcement about its consultation on reforms to criminal legal aid has sent shockwaves through the profession.

Feb 27 2014 4:36pm

8 deluxe networking events that only Oxbridge students will have heard of

Law firms' desperation to attract Oxford and Cambridge students has spawned some dazzling evenings-out.

Feb 27 2014 9:29am

Breaching the safe haven of Snapchat

Law students...and judges, beware.

Feb 26 2014 3:37pm

How it went wrong between media lawyer Mark Stephens and his former client Julian Assange

Julian Assange's ghostwriter has given some juicy insights into the deterioration of the Wikileaks founder's relationship with star media solicitor Mark Stephens.

Feb 26 2014 12:12pm