
Robing achievement of the week

Simply by talking about law, Cornerstone Chambers barrister Ann Tayo is able to morph into a bewigged and gowned version of her casually-dressed self.

Apr 8 2014 2:19pm

Infographic: why it’s really hard to land a job through the Pupillage Gateway

Places on the BPTC massively outnumber available jobs on this year's Pupillage Gateway, especially in the regions.

Apr 8 2014 8:34am

Morning round-up: Tuesday 8 April

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

Apr 8 2014 7:44am

Legal pic of the day

"Do you swear by Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster that the evidence…"

Apr 7 2014 5:01pm

Do City law firm worker bees actually produce honey?

Or are branded jars just a ploy to keep lawyers sweet?

Apr 7 2014 1:49pm

Recruitment events: it’s not the law firms who want the booze, it’s the students

Cambridge University Law Society duo respond to backlash generated by Legal Cheek article about alcohol-fuelled Oxbridge social events put on by law firms.

Apr 7 2014 9:19am

Morning round-up: Monday 7 April

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

Apr 7 2014 7:47am

Legal pic of the day

Next stop...justice.

Apr 4 2014 4:39pm

Bar Council and BSB apologise for mistake over tenancy decline statistic

Incredible 64% fall in tenancies is based on incorrect data admit embarrassed regulators, as they issue an apology.

Apr 4 2014 3:53pm

Pupil barrister live-tweets his own case

A Bahamas-based baby barrister broke new ground on social media yesterday.

Apr 4 2014 12:19pm

Number of tenancies at the Bar plunges

Update: Incredible 64% fall in tenancies is based on incorrect data say embarrassed regulators, as they issue an apology.

Apr 4 2014 9:55am

Morning round-up: Friday 4 April

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

Apr 4 2014 8:17am

Legal pic of the day

No brass knuckles, railroad spikes or throwing stars inside the courtroom please.

Apr 3 2014 5:08pm

There must be a better name for it than ‘CV blind’…

'CV blind' may be the least politically-correct name for a diversity initiative ever. As a third law firm announces that it is assessing candidates without reference to their educational backgrounds, we asked Twitter for alternative monikers.

Apr 3 2014 1:22pm

What magic circle trainees earned in 1988

When adjusted to take into account inflation, £11,000-a-year Clifford Chance trainee salary equates to just £24,988 today.

Apr 3 2014 10:29am

!Mitchell Bingo!

To celebrate the Mitchell judgment* Wigapedia has created a special commemorative bingo card.

Apr 3 2014 9:14am

Morning round-up: Thursday 3 April

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

Apr 3 2014 8:12am

Legal pic of the day

There can be certain drawbacks to a family-run law firm.

Apr 2 2014 5:07pm

CV blind: Now there are 3 firms assessing wannabe lawyers without considering their grades

Top 30 outfit Macfarlanes joins Mayer Brown and Clifford Chance in exploring new recruitment method aimed at broadening profile of typical big law firm trainee — as wider City diversity push gathers pace.

Apr 2 2014 3:30pm

3 e-petitions that you may have missed

Prevent Grayling II, facilitate Silk IIII and make barristers wear their wigs in all cases: it has been a busy week for e-petitions...

Apr 2 2014 12:26pm

The nation’s most charming Crown Court could become a wedding venue

The only Crown Court that is situated in a castle may be relocated to a more practical modern court centre.

Apr 2 2014 9:20am