
Legal pic of the day

Fancy a night in the clink?

Jun 3 2014 4:15pm

Students show coffee house knowledge of leading cases

End of term exam time is hitting some law students hard this year. Mounting evidence has emerged over recent days of how some can be driven close to the edge by endless hours of revising for obtuse questions about champerty and maintenance, landlord and tenant law and general tort issues.

Jun 3 2014 2:48pm

Legal aid fee rates haircut — it’s the only one barristers will get

Women junior barristers will soon be grateful that legal protocol still requires them to wear a spot of old horse hair on their bonces when appearing in the high court -- because they certainly won’t be able to afford a session at Toni & Guy’s after the government’s legal aid rate cuts take effect.

Jun 3 2014 12:45pm

‘Let’s go out back’ judge tells lawyer — before allegedly punching him

There were shocking scenes in a Florida courtroom yesterday.

Jun 3 2014 9:03am

Morning round-up: Tuesday 3 June

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jun 3 2014 8:03am

Legal pic of the day

Diversification in a changing legal market.

Jun 2 2014 4:08pm

Cambridge University criminal law exam features Fifty Shades of Grey prequel

Underage drinking and awkward fumbles in a sex club, starring a 15 year-old Christian Grey — just your typical Cambridge law exam.

Jun 2 2014 1:16pm

Telegraph journalist seeks to explain lack of social mobility at the Bar

This extract from Flora Watkins’ piece on state schools versus private schools is illuminating of a certain mindset that continues to exist within the legal profession.

Jun 2 2014 10:36am

Struggling law student sells ‘piece of British law’ on eBay

Legal hopeful offers the general public an opportunity to "dazzle your friends" and "astonish your work colleagues" for as little as £1.

Jun 2 2014 9:27am

Morning round-up: Monday 2 June

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jun 2 2014 7:53am

Legal pic of the day

Why lawyers should think twice before printing their name on the side of their car.

May 30 2014 4:14pm

Student newspaper The Tab tells law students to ‘f*ck off’

Law students are 'the charmless lovechild of nine grand tuition fees', writes the editor of the UK's biggest student paper.

May 30 2014 12:52pm

UK’s biggest legal aid firm advertises for unpaid paralegals

Exclusive: Duncan Lewis tries to hire 20 “volunteer” paralegals — then pulls ad off its website after being contacted by Legal Cheek.

May 30 2014 9:10am

Morning round-up: Friday 30 May

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

May 30 2014 8:07am

Legal pic of the day

Spain and Real Madrid footballer Xabi Alonso spotted in Cardiff University law library?!

May 29 2014 3:02pm

Lawyer seeking change of pace wanted, must be willing to travel

The Kingdom of Tonga — a Commonwealth member — is looking to fill its vacant Lord Chief Justice position. Comments by the previous incumbent of the role, Lord Chief Justice Scott, indicate that applicants should be relaxed about fellow judges failing to "turn up to work every day".

May 29 2014 12:47pm

To be yourself or to be someone else?

High profile Dechert partner Miriam Gonzalez urges wannabes to "fake it" to reach the top, contradicting age-old "just be yourself!" maxim. But then what?

May 29 2014 8:57am

Morning round-up: Thursday 29 May

The morning's top legal news stories and social media posts.

May 29 2014 8:05am

Legal pic of the day

Discarded law books spotted this afternoon outside Boston Magistrates Court.

May 28 2014 4:13pm

Nottingham University law student’s anti-Semitic Facebook post wows with both its nastiness and stupidity

Use of term “Jew kunts” and follow-up suggestion that “everything” is wrong with Jews will horrify law firms and chambers.

May 28 2014 12:47pm