LPC applications fall by 10% despite 8% rise in training contracts
Decline in LPC applications suggests that students don't believe recent increase in training contract numbers will be sustained.
Morning round-up: Monday 7 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Intellectual property infringin'
11 tweets from the #hipsterlaw hashtag that are probably too hilariously ironic for most lawyers to understand
A hashtag spawned by Sean Jones QC took off this morning.
There shall be a 2014 ‘Barrister Hottie’ List — and nominations are open
The Barrister Hottie Experts will once again breach Inns of Court protocol and objectify hapless members of the Bar by ranking them according to their looks.
No computers, smoking in the office and a comment about a female trainee’s ‘backside’: this video of Slaughter and May from 1981 is incredible
Someone has put a video on YouTube that was filmed inside top City law firm Slaughter and May in 1981.
Morning round-up: Friday 4 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Lawyer graffiti
‘Right to be forgotten’ ruling sees article about ‘foul-mouthed’ ex-Law Society president removed from Google
Articles in The Independent, The Telegraph and The Guardian about Robert Sayer disappear from search engine after implementation of controversial ruling.
7 spectacular legal typos
When jargon goes very wrong indeed...
Pupil master cracks Jimmy Savile ‘mitigating circumstances’ gag on student advice forum — nobody laughs
TheStudentRoom message board removes barrister's ill-judged quip...after we got a screenshot.
Morning round-up: Thursday 3 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Massive 38 per cent fall in tenancies isn’t as bad as had been feared
Three months after releasing incorrect tenancy statistic, the Bar Council and Bar Standards Board produce correct figure.
Legal pic of the day
Newcastle Crown Court on an average damp summer Monday.
Is that a former Blue Peter presenter banging on about the Human Rights Act?
Sadly, no -- it’s an MP instead. But a recent City of London event on whether the law should be scrapped still generates volatile and at times polarised debate.
Chambers beware – mini-pupillages and the confidentiality horror
Bar Council warns barristers in 22-page guidance that mini-pupils should sign undertakings before arriving at chambers
Tealeaf half-inches barrister’s horsehair syrup — from courtroom
Criminal lawyer puts out all-points bulletin on stolen wig, which went missing in middle of Harrow Crown Court trial.
Morning round-up: Wednesday 2 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Bearing in mind the name of our website, we couldn't resist this story.
Ex-bar leader: commercial chambers interested only in students with top degrees from top universities
Despite resources thrown at diversity and programmes, chambers still tilt towards elitism when recruiting, say silks
Vardag cuts romantic pre-nup on eve of legal profession wedding of the century
It was traumatic and shoes were hurled from windows, but eventually the country’s “top” divorce lawyer was able to sign her own fail-safe document