
Law students are pompous, anal bores with ‘booming voices’ — claims BuzzFeed as it evaluates undergraduate personalities

Journalists at London office of social news website BuzzFeed think people who study law are much less cool than them

Jul 21 2014 3:04pm

Video: lawyer attacks judge with a fly swatter before being punched by fellow advocate

CCTV footage of extraordinary Kazakhstan courtroom bust-up becomes viral hit

Jul 21 2014 12:01pm

Law firm seeks to glam-up paralegal vacancy by pretending it’s a job in ‘The Paras’

"Fancy joining the Paras?” asks a Quality Solicitor franchise firm in Dudley, applying gloss to some fairly mundane social welfare and family law tasks.

Jul 21 2014 9:18am

Morning round-up: Monday 21 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jul 21 2014 7:57am

Legal pic of the day

Members of Leeds' Zenith Chambers cool off with a 'Vodka Luge'

Jul 18 2014 4:39pm

Law lecturer lip sync battles are a thing

Lip sync battles -- as popularised by British comic Stephen Merchant, whose classic lip sync performance on the Jimmy Fallon show has become a YouTube classic -- have finally reached the law

Jul 18 2014 3:48pm

Transcript emerges of huge bust-up between judge and ‘breathtakingly arrogant’ barrister that has shocked the Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal has torn into a criminal barrister and referred him to the Bar Standards Board for getting into a slanging match with a Crown Court judge — but what did the pair actually say to each other?

Jul 18 2014 9:29am

Morning round-up: Friday 18 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jul 18 2014 7:53am

Legal pic of the day

Guardian illustrates law story with photo of … an erotica book?!

Jul 17 2014 3:59pm

Morning round-up: Thursday 17 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jul 17 2014 7:31am

Legal pic of the day

Weird law firm names, part 386

Jul 16 2014 4:41pm

Research: lawyers face more pressure than any other British worker

Legal profession workers are massively more stressed out and pissed off than the average worker, a leading solicitors’ firm discovers after sending in the survey boffins.

Jul 16 2014 3:27pm

Just who is Jeremy Wright? Lawyers have never heard of new attorney general

Dominic Grieve QC replaced by a non-silk who promotes his ability to video-conference with the best of them

Jul 16 2014 12:19pm

In his own words: solicitor behind the viral 1981 Slaughter and May video on life in the good old days

James Mitchell — whose video of Slaughter and May 33 years ago went viral after being unearthed by Legal Cheek — recalls magic circle life in the dark ages.

Jul 16 2014 9:34am

Morning round-up: Wednesday 16 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jul 16 2014 8:06am

Legal pic of the day

Legal Cheek recently highlighted the barrister-turned-barista in Nottinghamshire, but now a fellow journalist has turned up what appears to be a barrister moonlighting in the coffee shop trade.

Jul 15 2014 4:32pm

Training contracts in Wales — get ready for a spot of hazing

High street law firm newbies kitted out in silly clobber while the skateboarder from Dirty Sanchez takes over business development.

Jul 15 2014 12:20pm

9 things not to do in a pupillage interview (if you’re an interviewer)

An anonymous bar wannabe draws on his recent pupillage interview experience to deliver some lessons to chambers.

Jul 15 2014 9:27am

Morning round-up: Tuesday 15 July

The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.

Jul 15 2014 8:16am

Legal pic of the day

Francis Taylor Building -- the luggage collection

Jul 14 2014 4:44pm

Dinah Rose QC to Barrister Hottie Experts: ‘Keep me out of your bloody lists’

Top Blackstone Chambers silk fires warning to Your Barrister Boyfriend duo as she joins Twitter ahead of Barrister Hottie 2014.

Jul 14 2014 2:40pm