Morning round-up: Monday 28 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Judging by these posters spotted in east London yesterday, the concept of “hipster law” — as celebrated by a recent Twitter hashtag frenzy — may actually exist.
This sign for the toilets in the Royal Courts of Justice goes beyond everyday sexism
Female advocates, male non-advocates and wheelchair users are all flummoxed by this sign for the toilets at the Royal Courts of Justice
Mayer Brown confirms drop in training contract numbers from 20 to 15 since 2012
Reduction in trainee numbers has taken place over two years as part of a bid to boost firm's retention rate
The 8 most delightful vac scheme jollies of the summer
The City of London’s top law firms have, once again, been treating their vac schemers to some wonderful perks that may or may not prove to be a regular feature of their future lawyer lives
Morning round-up: Friday 25 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Salt and battery
There is a real billboard advertising the services of Saul Goodman’s junior lawyer self — and the phone number works
Seemingly innocuous lawyer advert is in fact a clever publicity stunt for Breaking Bad spin-off
Throwback Thursday: Lord Denning and Noddy on ‘Jim’ll Fix It’
Following the popularity of the video of Slaughter and May in 1981, we have continued our trawl of YouTube and unearthed a 1985 episode of ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ starring Lord Denning and Noddy — which thankfully has a happy ending
Morning round-up: Thursday 24 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Perhaps this is a sobriety test for advocates and clients alike at Northampton Mags
Solicitors’ leader smarms up to new Attorney General and Solicitor General despite no other lawyer having heard of them
While the rest of the legal profession scratches its head in bafflement at the elevation of Jeremy Wright and Robert Buckland, the Law Society President tweets fawning congratulations
God orders student to go to law school — but she wants us to foot the bill
A young woman in South Carolina launches a novel crowd-funding bid to cover degree fees after the Almighty provides career planning advice
Let’s break free from the cultural imperialism of US legal dramas and stop imagining that English judges use gavels
Even a respected broadsheet falls into the trap of thinking British judges bang away like their Yankee counterparts
Morning round-up: Wednesday 23 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Law firm business development latest:
Law firm rues its creation of fictional ‘Mr Thikas Toosh Ortplanks’ character
Solicitors coined £77m from personal injury claims, but it didn’t stop them taking the Micky out of miners
Punters ignore Law Society cheap lager deals — so it boosts prices
Photographic evidence proves that not even cut price booze can convince legal London to fall in love with the solicitors’ trade union
A reading from the Book of Mitchell
Wigapedia draws upon Biblical inspiration to follow the twists and turns of the Jackson reforms
Morning round-up: Tuesday 22 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
What your parents say when you tell them you want to quit law to become an artist