Bristows trainee recruitment

The Legal Cheek View

As major London law firms go, there are few more delightful places to work than Bristows. The firm, which is well known for its market-leading intellectual property practice, once again scored highly in the Legal Cheek Trainee and Junior Lawyer Survey 2024-25.

“Best firm in the UK for tech work” rave insiders, enamoured by the quality of work at Bristows. IP isn’t the only thing on offer, places on some flashy teams such as data, cyber & libel, and media & marketing, are also up for grabs, alongside more common practice areas like real estate, tax and corporate. The “very cool and interesting” clients at Bristows include the likes of Sony, Google, The Guardian and the BBC. Plus insiders say they are able to get stuck into “really interesting” work for these clients and “where we have smaller clients, there is opportunity to take on more responsibility”.

“I have been lucky during my TC so far and I have been given plenty of responsibility and interesting work,” echoes another source. “Of course,” they continue, there is also the usual “admin” type stuff such as “bundling [and] attendance notes” which “is just unavoidable in a City commercial firm”, but most of the insiders we spoke with reckon there’s a fair balance “typical trainee tasks” and more “complex legal and technical work”.

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Another details their experience as this: “Once you can demonstrate being able to do the basic tasks to a high level, most associates are very happy to give you more complex tasks or there are plenty of opportunities for some more stimulating tasks if you are proactive and volunteer for them.”

The firm’s latest financial results show revenues rose 4%, from £50.9 million to £52.7 million, following a slight dip last year. Operating profit took a slight hit of 3% to £17.3 million, while profit per equity partner (PEP) is understood to sit around the £500,000 mark. Certainly, Bristows’ top dogs, who enjoy some of the best work/life balance in the legal world, have a rather nice set-up.

The same can be said for the firm’s trainees who are “very happy” with their work/life balance. “The work life balance is certainly excellent – I leave before 6 most days. Late nights certainly aren’t unheard of, especially in the classic busier periods leading up to completion/trial (depending on the seat). Weekend work also can’t be entirely ruled out either — but it is rare” explains one. “I consistently finish between 6:30 and 7:30pm, subject to a handful of late nights for urgent matters” added another. Though be warned, this does vary between departments with patent litigation gaining a reputation for being more of a slog. This spy sums up the worst case scenario: “Sometimes late nights can’t be avoided (e.g. a deal, a call with counsel in the US, or ahead of a trial or hearing), but these have been relatively infrequent.” Another wise trainee adds: “As far as city law goes, it can’t be much better.”

Pay is on the lower side for BigLaw, with NQs earning £92,000, but again that doesn’t seem a problem for some: “The best perks are the nice colleagues and the decent salary given the hours worked”. The occasional free breakfast is also greatly appreciated whilst the standard package of private healthcare, a gym subsidy and cycle to work scheme make up the rest of the perks. “Nothing flashy,” says one, “but what else could I really want?”

A mood of happiness pervades the firm, with Magic Circle-style backstabbing notably absent among the trainees, and senior lawyers maintaining the most open of open door policies. “Cut-throats would not fit in here,” one source tells us. “People come for the friendly culture and the interesting and techy legal work.” Another describes their fellow trainees as “infallibly kind and supportive”.

As for the more senior members of the firm, one source tells us: “I have never felt unable to raise a question or issue with partners and feel that my input is genuinely respected and valued.” Partners are said to have a sense of humour and are “happy to be mocked mercilessly” or, if you’re feeling less devilish, “happy for you to walk up to them and ask questions or have a chat about things you find interesting”.

“There’s a real open door policy, meaning that if I leave the door to my office open, my superiors are likely to stop by for a chat,” says another. Also contributing to the utopian vibes may be Bristows’ policy of paying associates entirely on the basis of seniority rather than perceived merit, and the lack of billable target hours.

A social scene that is positively pumping (by corporate law standards) further deepens bonds. This is facilitated by the partners who often plan social activities for their departments, or even just send around a Friday work drinks email to whoever has come into the office on Fridays. On top of that, there’s also a firm-wide drinks event on the last Friday of every month, departmental Christmas celebrations, softball games, the Bristows Trainee Quiz, a lunchtime board game club, a “big all-out glitzy dinner dance” in the spring and an autumn party. We are told that there are also loads of sporting and charity events that get a very good turnout, including an annual cycle challenge which last year took participants from Brighton to London.

“Awesome” three-month secondments to Google are common. Indeed, client secondments are a major selling point, with over three-quarters of respondents doing one. Other destinations include Capgemini, GSK and a “clinical AI company”. “Ultimately, every firm has work that pays the bills and work that’s genuinely interesting and exciting,” one insider says. “Luckily we get a lot more of the latter.”

Still, not everything is perfect. As you might imagine for a firm with just three offices in London, Brussels and Dublin, international secondment opportunities are rare (although trainees and junior lawyers do get the odd business trip).

The firm’s tech isn’t much to write home about either, according to insiders. “IT and tech is a weakness of the firm that needs fixing,” says one. “Printing and application issues galore!” Another describes the work laptops as “decent” but “cloud storage has an irritating tendency to ‘fail to connect’, so you have to restart it three times to get to your documents”.

At least you’ll get “everything you need to work from home” with Bristows’ budget stretching to a screen or two, keyboard, mouse and a decent chair. A flexible three days in two days out policy gets thumbs-up all around from rookies we spoke with.

The London office is said to be “a little cramped”, though the grade II listed 100 Victoria Embankment gaff has an “amazing” exterior and “a great view” over Blackfriars Bridge and the Tate Modern. “Outside looks amazing, splendid, grand, wonderful. Inside is a normal office with a small selection of biscuits” says one. “Sitting in an open plan area is very much the exception and most of the internal offices are pretty comfortable,” mentioned another recruit. “The client meeting rooms are nice and light with reasonable snacks and coffee facilities. Internal meeting rooms and social areas are a bit ropey and there’s some very bizarre artwork in places.” There’s also no canteen and Bristow toilers don’t have access to the gym or roof terrace in the building (a bugbear for some). There is, however, a café that’s shared with other businesses in the building’s atrium which sells coffees, pastries, cakes and sandwiches.

If you can tolerate such horrors, then this could be the place for you. The only problem is bagging a training contract: the firm offers around ten annually and, with IP work in mind, several of those often go to candidates with science PhDs.


First Year Open Day - Virtual

12 June 2025
Applications open 05/09/2024
Applications close 31/05/2025

Insider Scorecard

Quality of work
Peer support
Partner approach-ability
Work/life balance
Legal tech
Social life

Insider Scorecard Grades range from A* to D and are derived from the Legal Cheek Trainee and Junior Lawyer Survey 2024–25 of over 2,000 trainees and junior associates at the leading law firms in the UK.


First year trainee salary £48,000
Second year trainee salary £52,000
Newly qualified salary £92,000
Profit per equity partner £500,000
PGDL grant £10,000
SQE grant £11,000


Average start work time 09:07
Average finish time 18:45
Annual target hours No targets
Annual leave 25 days

Average arrive and leave times are derived from the Legal Cheek Trainee and Junior Lawyer Survey 2024–25 of over 2,000 trainees and junior associates at the leading law firms in the UK.


Chances of secondment abroad 0%
Chances of client secondment 85%

Secondment probabilities are derived from the Legal Cheek Trainee and Junior Lawyer Survey 2024–25 of over 2,000 trainees and junior associates at the leading law firms in the UK.

General Info

Training contracts 10
Latest trainee retention rate 90%
Offices 3
Countries 3
Minimum A-level requirement No minimum
Minimum degree requirement No minimum

All training contracts are offered at Bristow’s London office only.


UK female associates 59%
UK female partners 33%
UK BME associates 16%
UK BME partners 7%

Universities Current Trainees Attended

The Firm In Its Own Words