SQE student panel: all your questions answered — with BPP

Tuesday 11 February, 4pm to 6pm, taking place virtually

Do you have any questions about the SQE? Join us on the afternoon of Tuesday, 11 February for an SQE student panel event, in partnership with BPP University Law School.

Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Location: Virtual event
Level: Students, Graduates

You will hear from current SQE students, who will answer any questions you have about the SQE, as well as discussing topics including:

• How best to prepare for and sit the SQE exams
• How to decide on a course provider
• SQE challenges and how to overcome them

A member of the SQE teaching team at BPP will chair the session and will explain all about the examinations and course structure.

After the panel there will be virtual networking with the speakers.

Register to attend. You’ll be asked to submit two questions for the speakers.