Category: Comment

Law, lager and lemonade: Is the legal sector over the limit?
We need to strike a healthy balance at legal events, says one future City trainee

What commercial awareness is and what it should not be
Legal commentator and solicitor David Allen Green considers what this law firm buzzword actually means

From BPTC to lawtech — the upsides of having a ‘Plan B’
Nicola Jane Smith reflects on life after law school and the seemingly never-ending hunt for pupillage

Five reasons why law students are obsessed with Love Island
ITV2's hit show provides a sweet escape from the stresses and strains of law school life, says aspiring lawyer Christianah Babajide

Five reasons why Love Island is exactly like law school
Hearts will be broken ?

It’s possible to get to a MoneyLaw US firm from a regional training contract after an ex-poly degree – I should know because I’ve done it
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you it's impossible

Glass houses: MPs slam Slaughter and May’s ‘bogus’ gender pay stats, but firm followed regulations set by MPs…
Blame game begins over why City outfits didn't include partners

‘I’m a future trainee who is Asian and working class: This is what diversity means to me’
Shez Anjum reveals how he overcame prejudices to win 'Trainee of the Year'

Graduate recruiters need to realise some law modules are harder than others
Some firms don't even look at what subjects you've studied

‘It’s virtually impossible to reach the top of City firms without straight hair’
Is black hair and professionalism an oxymoron? An aspiring lawyer looks at the research

The partner problem means law firm gender pay gap stats are pretty useless
A clutter of results impossible to compare
Why I am in favour of unpaid pupillages
The regulator needs to update its approach

Don’t forget about mental health in the diversity debate
LawCare speaks to junior lawyers struggling with stress, depression and drink problems on a daily basis. CEO Elizabeth Rimmer says the legal profession is due a culture change -- and that this will have a positive impact on diversity

‘I’m an immigrant from a modest background who battled depression and bulimia to gain a London training contract’
Billy Yu-Lok Ng is now the Law Society's social mobility ambassador

Two wrongs don’t make a copyright — how I took on the Daily Mail and won
Oxford University grad Louis Geary sued the newspaper giant after it published his naked calendar photos without permission

Law’s cut-throat ‘sink or swim’ culture has been laid bare in a string of recent disciplinary cases
Is the profession beginning to show mercy to its stressed-out juniors?

‘I quit the magic circle to practise in Bristol — and I regret it’
A Legal Cheek reader shares their story

Booming in Bristol: Should junior lawyers shun London for the West Country?
City's six-figure salaries will boost your ego but little else

‘I’m a future magic circle trainee, yet I’ll be living in an Airbnb during my LPC because I can’t afford London rent’
One Legal Cheek commenter shares their take on law firm maintenance grants
Law firms, you really need some new buzzwords
If you want to differentiate yourself don’t use the same, contrived superlatives, one future trainee argues
Exploring Lady Hale’s X factor
Supreme Court president's disarming charisma has earned her fans more loyal than One Direction's