Serjeants' Inn Chambers London chambers

Serjeants’ Inn Chambers

The Legal Cheek View

Serjeants’ Inn Chambers is a common law set specialising in a number of key practice areas such as police law, clinical negligence, product liability, professional discipline, and inquests & public inquiries. Cases tackled by tenants often involve ethical or moral issues and rare or novel points of law. The 81 barristers at this set, including a very impressive 22 KCs, deal with the “issues of our day”, insiders says, including “assisted suicide, the refugee crisis, historic child abuse allegations and national security” as well as much more. It is certainly an exciting place to be!

On the work coming through the door at Serjeants’ Inn, one member offers this glowing overview: “I’ve recently moved to Serjeants’ Inn [and] the work is on a different level to my last set; interesting, often important, diverse and legally challenging. It’s made me love the law again. My only regret is that I didn’t move here five years ago.” Equally impressed, another adds: “chambers is instructed in the very best, most interesting work in its myriad fields of practice. Almost everything is either high profile, of significant importance or legally complex. The opportunities to build a multi-discipline practice are fantastic and the clerks hugely encouraging in fostering a broad range of expertise.”

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So, what exactly are tenants working on? Well, on the medical side, barristers operate at the very highest level, working on “the cutting edge of law, medicine and ethics”. One insider tells us: “the range of work in my practice is huge and offers me a series of challenges in completely unconnected fields. End of life cases (whether incapacitated patients should be given treatment); transgender issues ― acting for the child of the first trans person in the UK to give birth; fertility cases where treatment goes wrong (swapped test tubes etc); General Medical Council disciplinary cases (a range of cases from doctors euthanising patients to sleeping with them)”. Court of Protection work is also a key area for tenants. Members here work on real issues, affecting real people in the most fundamental of ways, meaning there is “never a dull moment”.

On the police law side, tenants mainly take on defence work, meaning that they act on behalf of police forces throughout the country. Whether it be whistleblowing and discrimination cases or civil claims for deaths involving the police, there is a broad range of expertise in chambers. This also links into their inquests and public inquiries work, which has seen tenants work on everything from the Leveson Inquiry to the Hillsborough. As one junior tenant explains: “very often our work is highly novel with test cases or advising public authorities upon urgent situations. This leaves me with a real sense of contributing to both the development of legal issues, and providing a service to public and public authorities”.

Serjeant’s Inn has seen headline cases relating to the Manchester Arena Attack, the Salisbury poisonings, the London Bridge terrorist attack, undercover policing and Covid-19 inquiries stream through its doors in recent years. Members have also been involved in some seminal Supreme Court cases which have changed the law on the recoverability of surrogacy damages and illegality in clinical negligence cases and tort law. More recent highlights include Mark Harries KC acting for a woman accused of laundering bitcoin in a £5 billion fraud case in China; Andrew Hockton successfully defending a spinal surgeon accused of inappropriate and dishonest conduct; and Elliot Gold representing the director general in a police misconduct case concerning the stop and search of two olympic athletes.

With so much exciting work on offer, it can be hard for tenants at Serjeants’ Inn to say no to taking on more but tenants tell us that any pressure on this front “comes from ourselves, not chambers.” Insiders appreciate that there’s been a real conscious effort to improve this element of chambers with Serjeant’s Inn hosting “regular wellbeing initiatives, including a recent workplace course run by a dual qualified barrister and psychologist which was promoted by Rachel Spearing, chambers’ wellbeing lead.” Spearing is also the co-founder of mental health initiative Wellbeing at the Bar and she’s not the only one promoting a good WLB inside chambers as one junior adds: “the heads of chambers and our CEO recognise the importance of work-life balance; there’s a strong focus on earning more to work less so that family time is enhanced.” Another member comments: “it is part of our clerking conversations to ease and review problems with work demands when they arise. We are constantly trying to create a safe space and be emotionally intelligent with our managing practice.”

When times do get tough, tenants can turn to each other. The culture at this set comes very highly rated and, according to at least one member, “the support at Serjeant’s Inn is one of its best features”. They continued, “I came from another set which was great, but the dedication to supporting each other at SIC is next level. We have dedicated small WhatsApp groups with senior, middle and junior call for questions and support. You always get an answer (usually within minutes). We also have email groups divided by teams to share knowledge and ask questions. Again, you always get multiple responses quickly.” Colleagues’ fellow successes are always celebrated and chambers’ open door policy means that any question asked is routinely answered by multiple colleagues within minutes.” As one junior confides: “managing the pressure of the work we do is key to our collective success. Support is what we pride ourselves on”.

Demonstrating how close colleagues at Serjeants’ Inn can be, one junior barrister reveals that they have “stayed over with three other chambers colleagues spread around the country” when appearing in faraway courts where “one lovely colleague even washed my pyjamas before I came back for the second week of the case!” Given this, it is not surprising that tenants also enjoy socialising together. Whilst “get togethers are less frequent than they used to be” in the days before remote working, ‘First Thursdays’ is a new initiative that has perked up the social buzz in chambers. As our sources describe it “members of chambers, staff and pupils come in and get together for a sandwich lunch and/or drinks after work, often with a seminar or quiz thrown in for good measure. It has been well received and I thoroughly enjoy catching up with colleagues on a regular basis.” On top of this, there are also organised events that are “inclusive for those with families” and “don’t revolve around vertical drinking” — for example a rounders match — as well as “well-attending learning/networking days with solicitors” which are described as “excellent too.”

Chambers is based in the “majestic” Lutyens Building (formerly home to Reuters) on London’s Fleet Street overlooking St Bride’s Church. The “swish and modern” building, designed to the set’s own high specification, boasts glass walls and hot desking facilities as well as more private rooms, whilst conference facilities can be flexibly arranged through alterable partition doors. It’s also right next door to the new financial courts which are being built which will suit chambers business crime team. There are both shared and private rooms, hot-desking and (most importantly) “the best goodie bowl and stationery ever!”

When it comes to IT provision, IT administrator Meelis Malgand is described as “an IT god” because “there is nothing he cannot make work”. Other than that, “very good” external support and “first class conferencing facilities with new 360 degree OWL cameras” has left insiders here very satisfied with their tech spec.

Pupillage at Serjeants’ Inn comes with an award of £70,000 as well as highly-rated training. One junior describes a “very growth-orientated and adaptable culture in work”. Pupils will sit with three different pupil supervisors over the course of the year. At first, work will just be completed for your supervisor but eventually you will start undertaking work for other members of chambers. During the second six, pupils can expect to start taking on their own cases and appear in court in their own right. Supervisors will continue to provide support and answer any questions.

Training doesn’t end with pupillage. One tenant comments: “chambers takes training and professional development very seriously. The courses provided are of the highest level with both internal and external input”. On offer are mentoring schemes, opportunities to shadow senior members after pupillage, plus in-house and external training on topics including police misconduct hearings, time recording, and the art of persuasion and negotiation, which are even recorded so they can be watched by those unable to attend.

For those wanting to apply to Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, you’re in luck! The set have a dedicated careers website hosting video interviews with tenants and staff, an insight into EDI and different areas of practice, a roadmap to gaining tenancy, and other information on pro bono, ESG, and top tips, along with a handy jargon buster. There are also guides on ‘what we expect from you’ and ‘what you can expect from us’, along with suggested resources to keep up to date with developments in each of the sets key practice areas.

Students should make their application through the Pupillage Gateway. Candidates scoring highest on the written application will be invited to a first-round interview, which consists of a legal exercise as well as general questions. A lucky few candidates will then be invited back to a more extensive second-round interview. Serjeants’ Inn says it’s not looking for the “finished product” when it comes to prospective pupils but rather they should demonstrate “practical and academic ability”, “personality and aptitude”, as well as “commitment” and “flexibility to face the challenges of a changing and demanding profession”. Offers are made “on merit alone”.

Serjeants’ Inn Chambers typically offers two pupillages every other year and will be accepting applications in the 2026-27 recruitment cycle.

What The Junior Barristers Say

Emily Campbell

Your journey to pupillage

I completed my law degree at King’s College London followed by a master’s degree in ‘Human Rights and Humanitarian Action’ at Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs. I spent time working in the Appeals Chamber at the International Criminal Court and then as a Legal Support Officer in a public law set in London. It was my experience working in health policy for the G20 youth engagement group (‘the Y20’) during the Covid-19 pandemic that consolidated my interest in healthcare and the law which applies to it. With this experience under my belt, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers came as the perfect pupillage offering given its specialism in all aspects of medical law (clinical negligence, inquests, the Court of Protection, and professional discipline). While this was the initial draw to chambers for me, Serjeants’ Inn also has a stellar police law team and the police work on offer is equally engaging and socially important.

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The pupillage experience

Pupillage at Serjeants’ Inn was, as pupillage is, a challenging year getting to grips with legal practice, advocacy, and advisory work, but the training provided and the structure to it were both excellent and ensured I had a very positive learning experience.

Under the supervision of four supervisors, the cases I observed during pupillage were important, challenging and ethically significant. As I started my pupillage in 2021, many of the cases I observed on the medical side were pandemic-related, including serious medical treatment cases relating to the vaccination of individuals lacking capacity to make that decision for themselves. The training I received in police law provided balance and I worked on high profile cases and one memorable matter which took my legal research back to the early 1800’s.

Alongside regularly attending court with my supervisors, I completed paperwork my supervisors were working on ‘in real time’ and received timely feedback and an opportunity to compare my work to their own. Chambers also has two formal written assessments and an advocacy exercise for pupils to complete in a mock application like an application you will encounter in your second six. The first six months of pupillage was geared up to ensuring that I was ready to start my second six and to manage cases in my own right.

Serjeants’ Inn also runs a mentoring scheme which pairs a mentor to a pupil to provide confidential pastoral support throughout the year (and beyond if your mentor is willing). Members of chambers regularly volunteer to deliver training seminars which is a chance for everyone to get together socially and to learn from each other.

The transition from pupil to tenant

This is a daunting reality for any pupil, but my clerks had supported me to develop my independence and responsibility in my second six which made the transition a smooth one. At no time during my tenancy did I ever feel alone which is a feat in a self-employed profession. The support and willingness to support one another in chambers sets it apart.

In the early months of tenancy, I made applications on behalf of police forces before the Magistrates Courts in matters touching upon sexual harm, stalking, and forced marriage. I was also instructed in Court of Protection proceedings relating to residence and care before being instructed in inquests for families, trusts and local authorities.

What is your practice like now?

I am two years into my tenancy and my practice is a happy mix of clinical negligence, court of protection, inquests, and police law. The quality of the work is extremely interesting, and it is genuinely a privilege to be able to help individuals navigate often the most challenging moments of their lives through the work that we do in chambers, whether that’s when a client’s professional reputation is on the line, or a client has lost a loved one in tragic circumstances.

My work varies week by week. Typically, I am in court three to four days a week and on the other days I may be having a conference with medical experts or drafting pleadings and advice in clinical negligence claims for Claimants or Defendant NHS Trusts.

What is the culture of chambers?

On the staff side, the clerking team are extremely responsive, supportive, and generally just great. We have regular practice meetings to help shape our practice early on and find a balance that works. Alongside this, Chambers is unique in having a bespoke client care team who build relationships with our clients.

Socially, chambers organise Thursday evening drinks on the first Thursday of every month. These are generally preceded by an interesting talk voluntarily given by a member of chambers to help the juniors develop their skills at the bar. Previous talks have included training on inquests, quantum and talks on managing your practice and maintaining wellbeing at the Bar.

Finally, Serjeants’ Inn is a welcoming set where we lift each other up after a bad day in court and celebrate each other’s successes on the good days.

Top tips for those wanting to become a barrister/secure a pupillage at your chambers

Chambers is unique in having a dedicated recruitment website which I would strongly advise anyone applying for pupillage to bookmark and digest. Be prepared to think about why you are interested in our areas of work, be able to speak to your experience and treat the written application as a piece of advocacy: why should chambers hire you?

Insider Scorecard

Quality of work
Work/life balance
Social life
Legal Tech

Insider Scorecard grades range from A* to C and are derived from the Legal Cheek Junior Barrister Survey 2024-25 completed by barristers at the set.

Key Info

Juniors 59
KCs 22
Pupillages 2
Oxbridge-educated new tenants* 1/5

*Figure is for the five most junior members of chambers; does not include postgraduate studies.


Pupillage award £70,000
Bar course drawdown £10,000

The pupillage award comprises a £40,000 award and £30,000 guaranteed earnings in the second six.


Female juniors 42%
Female KCs 39%
BME juniors 5%
BME KCs 9%

For context, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers has eight female KCs out of a total of 22.