Gray's Inn Tax Chambers London Chambers

Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers

The Legal Cheek View

When it comes to tax, Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers (GITC) is one of the top sets to turn to. Established in 1965, the small specialist set is made up of only 11 members and is often viewed as outsmarting Magic Circle sets when it comes to tax law. Flooded with top-level talent, the set is home to no less than five leading tax silks.

The 11 members at GITC act for both British taxpayers and HMRC in advisory and litigious capacities, with their expertise also extending to cross-border and international issues. While tax may not immediately jump out to law students as the most exciting area of practice, one junior reassures us that it is in fact “endlessly fascinating”. Indeed, we are told that working in tax law is “like being paid to do crosswords and sudoku for a living”. There seems to be a broad consensus here that the field and work are top quality.

Given the reputation of the tenants at the set, the work that comes their way is often of very high value. As one member simply puts it: “Having the best people brings in the best work.” Recent cases worked on by members include a VAT case — currently on its way to the Supreme Court — concerning whether NHS trusts are liable for tens of millions of pounds for not charging VAT on hospital car parking; and a Court of Appeal case concerning whether compensatory payments have the nature of penalties and are therefore non-deductible as a policy matter. A further example of the set’s work is Court of Appeal case revolving around the extent to which a company’s purpose in entering a loan relationship was “unallowable” (in seeking to secure a tax advantage) or commercial, and whether a “just and reasonable apportionment” might enable the company to obtain deductions for expenses which were not attributable to its unallowable purpose.

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Although much of the tax litigation takes place in the tribunal system, members’ diaries are littered with appellate court bookings, including in the Supreme Court. These have included everything from trademark infringements, offshore drilling, commercial construction, and hotels, and relate to any and all taxes that you can think of, and plenty you’ve probably never heard of.

For those who might be intimidated by a lack of tax-specific knowledge, juniors at the set are keen to emphasise that you do not need to come in with any particular knowledge of the area, rather an idea of why you think tax law might be for you. The training at Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers — especially in relation to providing that tax specific knowledge — is highly-ranked by its rookies. One recent tenant describes: “I came into pupillage knowing nothing about tax law. I emerged knowing a fair amount and where to look for most of the rest.” Another told us that the set “has some of the pre-eminent silks of their generation; it is a privilege to learn from them”. Overall, the training is rated excellent.

Juniors also make clear that tax law does not exist in a bubble, and that many other, perhaps more familiar, areas of law are regularly involved. Examples might include issues relating to trusts, contracts, land, European Union, human rights, and company law.

To help you on your journey new recruits can expect a supportive atmosphere within the set. We are told that “the senior leaders in chambers are very supportive both professionally and personally”. The comparatively small world of tax law means it is highly likely your colleagues will have worked on cases that you may be relying on!

Views on social life at the set are somewhat mixed. We are told that “everyone is very friendly and up for a drink when required”, though there are less big social events compared to other, larger, chambers. One junior comments that “there is no pressure to socialise” and instead “friendships within chambers are left to form naturally”. The firm also boasts of a “very good” work-life balance!

In terms of the location of GITC, the set is one of the few chambers not located within the Inns of Court. While this may result in some of the collegiate feel being lost, it does mean the set has a “modern building in the heart of the city”. On the inside, we are told that it is “very fancy”. Each member has their own large office within the building. The technology and IT support are well-rated, while the cloud software allows members to work from anywhere.

Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers offers up to two pupillages a year. Candidates are assessed on the following criteria: academic and intellectual ability; advocacy and communication skills; an interest in and understanding of the type of work done by chambers; an ability to work with other members of chambers, instructing solicitors, accountants, and clients; and determination and resilience. GITC states that a first-class degree is usually required. Both law and non-law degrees are considered equally.

Applications are not made through the Pupillage Gateway, but instead are directly to chambers in line with the Gateway timeline. Candidates will have to go through up to three interviews, the second of which will include a written assessment. Whilst it is not a requirement for prospective pupils to have undertaken a mini-pupillage at the set, GITC strongly encourages those considering applying in the future to do so. There are both funded and unfunded minis on offer, with those receiving funding taking home £600 per week.

Successful applicants will complete a 12-month non-practicing pupillage. This means that, unusually, they will not take on any cases during their second six. The reason behind this is that it gives pupils a chance to get to grips with tax law, something which they are unlikely to have previously studied. GITC states that much of pupillage will be spent in chambers, reading papers, gaining an understanding of issues, and sitting in on conferences. Whilst pupils will be assigned one pupil supervisor, the set aims for recruits to spend time with most if not all tenants to ensure they are exposed to all areas of chambers’ work.

To top off the stellar training package and opportunities comes a pupillage award of £100,000, the joint highest at the bar. It should be noted however, that, unlike at many leading commercial sets, there are no second six earnings on top of this. Regardless, the large award is certainly an attractive prospect to any aspiring tax barrister.

What The Junior Barristers Say

Harry Winter

Your journey to pupillage

I completed my first degree (classics and Sanskrit at Oxford), then the law conversion course and bar course in London. Over that period, I undertook mini-pupillages with many of the leading commercial and commercial chancery sets and did a fair amount of mooting. All fairly standard, though I did also teach A-Level Latin during the GDL year!

The pupillage experience

I very much enjoyed pupillage at GITC and found it excellent training in both legal and practical matters. That training is particularly important because most law students do not study any tax law and chambers has no expectation that you will. Pupils regularly accompany their supervisors to court, from the First-tier Tax Tribunal right up to the Supreme Court and everywhere in between. There is typically lots of practice in opinion writing, drafting, and preparing skeletons, but the view of those who have done pupillage with us recently is that they felt prepared to start tenancy by the end of it — although, of course, there is always more to learn.

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The transition from pupil to tenant

I joined chambers as a tenant, but I found my colleagues and the clerks room really supportive from day one. Our senior clerk, in particular, was wonderful in helping me to establish and build my practice in the early days, including by arranging a secondment with a prominent firm of solicitors. There is a lot of litigation and advisory work out there that needs junior tax barristers!

Tax work often involves significant sums and as a chambers we encourage juniors to shoulder as much responsibility as they feel comfortable with. This means that our juniors’ practices develop very quickly, with juniors doing a significant amount of unled work, often in reported cases. For instance, one member of chambers took silk after nine years. All juniors are busy and successful and we all enjoy what we do.

What is your practice like now?

I’d describe my practice as a happy mix of litigation (both led and unled) and advisory work in all areas of UK tax. I love the quality of the work, the variety, the freedom to set my own hours, and the opportunities to build long-lasting relationships with my clients.

What is the culture of chambers?

We’re a friendly bunch and, whilst there’s lots of freedom to work remotely, we enjoy chatting with one another as we pass in the corridors or the kitchens. It’s also extremely useful to be able to ask a senior member a quick question about a difficult statutory provision (they have usually done a case on it!) or procedural point. We have planned social gatherings (sometimes with clients) a few times a year. The clerks and staff are always accessible and willing to the extra mile if a member of chambers needs support.

Top tips for those wanting to become a barrister/secure a pupillage at your chambers

For anyone looking to get pupillage at GITC, I’d say top academic credentials and a demonstrable interest in tax law are a must. Regarding the latter though, no-one expects you to know much about tax at the start – just be able to give sensible reasons for why you’d like to specialise in it. Doing a mini-pupillage with us is definitely the best way to show you are keen, and no legal or tax knowledge is necessary to apply for one of those. Pupillage interviews will typically involve problem questions on interpreting legislation (which you won’t have come across before). Being able to think sensibly about legislative purpose, logical connections, and potential consequences will stand you in good stead.



Applications are considered on a rolling basis
Applications open 16/12/2024
Applications close 15/05/2025


Applications are considered on a rolling basis
Applications open 16/05/2025
Applications close 30/09/2025

Insider Scorecard

Quality of work
Work/life balance
Social life
Legal Tech

Insider Scorecard grades range from A* to C and are derived from the Legal Cheek Junior Barrister Survey 2024-25 completed by barristers at the set.

Key Info

Juniors 7
KCs 5
Pupillages 2
Oxbridge-educated new tenants* 4/5

*Figure is for the five most junior members of chambers; does not include postgraduate studies.


Pupillage award £100,000
Bar course drawdown £25,000

There are no second six earnings on top of the set’s £100,000 award.


Female juniors 9%
Female KCs 25%
BME juniors 29%
BME KCs 25%