Author: Thomas Connelly

This IP lawyer’s footnoted rap video could be the best thing on the internet

US intellectual property lawyer Eric Mirabel — aka legal rapper E.P.M. — has released a new version of his paean to IP. It's amazing.

Mar 14 2014 12:41pm

10 pieces of advice for trainee City lawyers from Mumsnet readers

A Mumsnet thread offering advice to a prospective City lawyer contains some illuminating titbits of information.

Mar 13 2014 8:37am

Which universities did the winners of Clifford Chance’s CV Blind competition attend?

Magic circle firm reveals where the successful 20 studied.

Mar 10 2014 2:09pm

10 Vine messages for Chris Grayling

We asked protesters at today's demonstration against the legal cuts for their seven-second messages to Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.

Mar 7 2014 12:34pm

Was Dave on the phone to his criminal barrister brother?

The David Cameron-on-the-phone meme that has been sweeping the internet has arrived at the legal profession (starring the PM's brother, Three Raymond Buildings' Alex Cameron QC).

Mar 6 2014 4:33pm

@ChrisGrayling: an apology on behalf of the legal profession

Meet Chris Grayling, a Kent-based maths tutor and writer who has endured a tough time from the nation's lawyers of late.

Mar 6 2014 9:24am

This is one way to respond to a Magistrates Court summons

What kind of a dope would use a Magistrates Court Summons to roll a joint?

Mar 5 2014 2:16pm

Was this the worst start to a pupillage ever?

New pupil barrister on BBC legal drama Silk fails to impress on debut.

Mar 4 2014 12:34pm

8 deluxe networking events that only Oxbridge students will have heard of

Law firms' desperation to attract Oxford and Cambridge students has spawned some dazzling evenings-out.

Feb 27 2014 9:29am

Breaching the safe haven of Snapchat

Law students...and judges, beware.

Feb 26 2014 3:37pm

Die-hard Silk fan of the week

For a barrister who has been hard at work all day to re-don their full court garb in order to watch a programme about barristers suggests a deep passion for the job.

Feb 25 2014 4:17pm

Would you admit to being the legal adviser on BBC drama Silk?

New series of Silk is the most unrealistic yet, despite guidance from top QC.

Feb 25 2014 10:23am

A journey through a pimped-up legal profession with gangsta app Gizoogle

Gizoogle is a gangsta version of Google, through which a pimped-up version of the internet can be accessed. The lawyers who populate this realm do things differently.

Feb 20 2014 11:30am

The 12 most popular law school memes on the internet

Images propelled to fame by Facebook page 'Law School Memes'.

Feb 19 2014 1:19pm

HM Courts & Tribunals Service embraces cutting edge gaming technology

This photo of a mystery Crown Court waiting room appeared on Reddit a few days...

Feb 18 2014 9:11am

Happy Valentine’s Day, law nerds

Law students mark February 14th in style.

Feb 14 2014 8:06am

9 surprising historical facts about training contracts

A new blog on English legal history contains some fascinating titbits of information.

Feb 13 2014 12:49pm

Will the BPTC class of 2014 have no ethics?

This year's wannabe barristers are being taught last year's superseded Bar Code of Conduct, it has emerged.

Feb 13 2014 9:03am

BPP’s new personalised clothing range opens world of possibilities

An exciting new way to physically associate yourself with a private equity-owned legal course provider is here.

Feb 12 2014 8:46am

Named: the law firm offering training contracts ‘if you invest in our firm’

EXCLUSIVE: Commercial law firm with offices in London, Leeds and Birmingham has come up with a novel recruitment method...

Feb 7 2014 9:03am