Author: Thomas Connelly

Legal pic of the day

"Do you swear by Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster that the evidence…"

Apr 7 2014 5:01pm

Legal pic of the day

Next stop...justice.

Apr 4 2014 4:39pm

Legal pic of the day

No brass knuckles, railroad spikes or throwing stars inside the courtroom please.

Apr 3 2014 5:08pm

What magic circle trainees earned in 1988

When adjusted to take into account inflation, £11,000-a-year Clifford Chance trainee salary equates to just £24,988 today.

Apr 3 2014 10:29am

Legal pic of the day

There can be certain drawbacks to a family-run law firm.

Apr 2 2014 5:07pm

3 e-petitions that you may have missed

Prevent Grayling II, facilitate Silk IIII and make barristers wear their wigs in all cases: it has been a busy week for e-petitions...

Apr 2 2014 12:26pm

The nation’s most charming Crown Court could become a wedding venue

The only Crown Court that is situated in a castle may be relocated to a more practical modern court centre.

Apr 2 2014 9:20am

Legal pic of the day

Strictly hugs, smiles and warm fuzzy feelings in this US courtroom.

Apr 1 2014 5:05pm

The best legal profession April Fools Day jokes

The news about Chris Grayling enrolling on the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) wasn't the only legal profession April Fools Day gag.

Apr 1 2014 4:36pm

Legal pic of the day

Note the SpongeBob SquarePants curtains in this Balinese courtroom.

Mar 31 2014 3:05pm

Legal pic of the day

How can we increase our billable hours?

Mar 28 2014 3:15pm

Dissenters vent fury on Twitter after barristers strike legal aid deal with government

The news that the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) is calling off its direct action after the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) agreed to postpone planned fee cuts has enraged many solicitors and barristers, who have turned to social media to vent their fury.

Mar 27 2014 5:03pm

9 memorable pieces of court building graffiti

Social media is awash with photos of court building defacement.

Mar 27 2014 1:36pm

Legal pic of the day

Honesty is the best policy when naming your law firm...

Mar 26 2014 8:19pm

The story of the #MaxCliffordPenis hashtag

Today's big legal news story is that Max Clifford's penis has been measured.

Mar 26 2014 6:10pm

Barrister specialising in neighbour disputes told to demolish home extension that his neighbours hated

Extension to Hampstead home of 5 St Andrew's Hill property barrister Philip Galway-Cooper is branded "not lawful".

Mar 26 2014 1:30pm

Flight MH370 conspiracy theory barrister used to be an immigration judge

Barrister who claims Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 was shot down by the Chinese previously held position as an Immigration Appeal Judge.

Mar 25 2014 10:24am

Wannabe barrister in ‘discuss my briefs’ plea for love

Bar hopeful's "rush-hour crush" fails to charm.

Mar 25 2014 9:46am

Student’s vac scheme acceptance email is so bad that firm withdraws offer

Law student blows chances with terribly misguided email.

Mar 24 2014 3:51pm

Has there been a stranger law student campaign than this?

In a world containing many injustices, why target Baleen Whales?

Mar 19 2014 2:05pm

More than a slap-on-the-wrist: MoJ criticised for its barrister earnings stats

UK Statistics Authority issues blow to Ministry of Justice.

Mar 17 2014 5:08pm