Author: Thomas Connelly
Wouldn’t it be nice to quit the middle class rat race and just hold a ‘golf sale’ sign all day?
Viz stokes debate by reflecting on the desirability of a career as a solicitor
Morning round-up: Thursday 31 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Morning round-up: Wednesday 30 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Morning round-up: Tuesday 29 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Soldiers march past the RCJ during the First World War
Can you help find missing Nottingham Uni law student Tom Nixon?
Police are appealing for information on the whereabouts of a missing law student
The 8 most delightful vac scheme jollies of the summer
The City of London’s top law firms have, once again, been treating their vac schemers to some wonderful perks that may or may not prove to be a regular feature of their future lawyer lives
Morning round-up: Friday 25 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Salt and battery
Legal pic of the day
Perhaps this is a sobriety test for advocates and clients alike at Northampton Mags
Morning round-up: Wednesday 23 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Law firm business development latest:
Morning round-up: Tuesday 22 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Members of Leeds' Zenith Chambers cool off with a 'Vodka Luge'
Law lecturer lip sync battles are a thing
Lip sync battles -- as popularised by British comic Stephen Merchant, whose classic lip sync performance on the Jimmy Fallon show has become a YouTube classic -- have finally reached the law
Legal pic of the day
Guardian illustrates law story with photo of … an erotica book?!
Morning round-up: Thursday 17 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Weird law firm names, part 386
Morning round-up: Wednesday 16 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.
Legal pic of the day
Legal Cheek recently highlighted the barrister-turned-barista in Nottinghamshire, but now a fellow journalist has turned up what appears to be a barrister moonlighting in the coffee shop trade.
Morning round-up: Tuesday 15 July
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts.