Author: Thomas Connelly
Morning round-up: Thursday 12 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Legal pic of the day
Taking the biscuit
Hogan Lovells releases revised retention rate of 72%
Hogan Lovells confirm latest Spring 2015 retention rate with revised 72% figure -- with two final trainees sticking with the firm
Law student brings disruption to Crufts — but at what cost?
Wannabe lawyer's antics could be a turn-off for law firms and chambers
Morning round-up: Wednesday 11 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Morning round-up: Tuesday 10 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Has Essex Court Chambers launched a fast-food sideline?
What's a "bappister"?
Legal pic of the day
Do you get Snake on that?
Morning round-up: Friday 6 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Ashurst racks up strong newly-qualified solicitor retention rate of 91%
And media niche firm Olswang hits 88%, but on much smaller trainee cohort
Morning round-up: Thursday 5 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Legal pic of the day
Newcastle University law student makes baked appeal for training contract
Morning round-up: Wednesday 4 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Legal pic of the day
"Solicitors couldn't give a XXXX for anyone else"
Wragge & Co’s idea of ‘fun and games’ leaves a lot to be desired
The good folk over at Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co's recruitment department are a laugh a minute
Morning round-up: Tuesday 3 March
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Legal pic of the day
Dog 1 - Wig 0
Legal pic of the day
You only live once
Tory MP snubs QC darling of civil liberties bar in BBC documentary
Conservative awkward squad member Peter Bone quickly rejects invitation to Dinah Rose’s human rights event
Morning round-up: Friday 27 February
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Morning round-up: Thursday 26 February
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts