Author: Legal Cheek
Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. Law Graduate’s Career Hopes In Tatters After She’s Convicted Of Taking Ecstasy Into ‘T...
End Of The Day Round-Up
What happens to law graduates caught out in the paralegal cold? [Legal Cheek editor Alex...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 21 September
Divorce? No, this lawyer v lawyer spat was an Armageddon of aggression [Jan Moir in...
End Of The Day Round-Up
DPP statement on Tom Daley case and social media prosecutions [CPS Blog] Twitter prosecutions: common...
10 Legal Twitter Names That Are Tragically Going To Waste – And 5 Gems Still Up For Grabs
@BrianLeveson @GraysInn @Judge
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 20 September
Holman Fenwick Willan partner Giles Kavanagh, who is feted in Chambers & Partners for his...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Newcastle University law student Pippa Darlington killed in Morocco car crash [The Journal] Married lawyers...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 19 September
‘Police Officers are emotional and social beings just like everyone else. Yet we deal with...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Grayling shows his mettle as Justice Secretary [The Spectator] Lawyers face tax dodging scrutiny from...
Law Graduate’s Career Hopes In Tatters After She’s Convicted Of Taking Ecstasy Into ‘T In The Park’ In Her Underwear
Glasgow University law graduate Justine Siebenaler was told yesterday that she would no longer be...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 18 September
Barrister fulfils underwear brand ambition [The Sun] Human Frights lawyer Sir Baldylox Fatcat Arzlikka QC...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Barrister who will represent Wills and Kate in Paris acted for John Galliano over racist...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 17 September
The lawyer who represented massacre monster Anders Breivik reveals someone tried to kill him – by...
Survival Tips For Baby Barristers At The Publicly Funded Bar
Last week, David Cameron’s former chief-of-staff, Alex Deane, explained to Legal Cheek why he tired...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 14 September
Baroness Deech calls on BSB to take to social media to combat negative stories [Legal...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Lawyer causes mistrial in murder case by posting photo of her client’s leopard print underwear...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 13 September
Zatman & Co rebrands as BBS Zatman and reveals new structure [Manchester Evening News] Solicitor...
End Of The Day Round-Up
‘The full, damning, Hillsborough report’ [ via @adamwagner1] Hillsborough families have the truth. Justice will...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 12 September
More than 200 schools have CCTV in toilets and changing rooms [The Telegraph] Postmortem reveals...