Author: Legal Cheek
Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Leaving work on a Friday [#WhatShouldWeCallMe] What to do about trolls? [The Justice Gap] Twists...
Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up
It started with this proud tweet from John Cooper QC. Which was followed by this...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 2 November
Legal profession giddy with excitement as Chambers and Partners’ new UK rankings released [Twitter] Lawyer...
End Of The Day Round-Up
British judge: Say you’re sorry Apple… this time like you MEAN it [The Register] Chorley...
Law Firm Logo Of The Week
As highlighted by legal tweeter extraordinaire Antonin Pribetic.
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 1 November
Solicitor aims to be UK Scrabble champion [BBC] Society of Black Lawyers’ Peter Herbert on...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Exclusive pictures: the decaying state of our courts [Life In The Bus Lane] Russell Brand...
How Supreme Court Justices Can Save Legal Aid
In these tough economic times, it would be a shame for those costumes to go...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 31 October
The law and magical thinking [Jack of Kent] Tooks chambers barrister: FA’s anti-racism rules are...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Judge ‘screamed at pregnant defendant and told her she was worthless before storming out of...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 30 November
Legal aid cheats targeted by Ministry of Justice [BBC] Society of Black Lawyers calls on...
End Of The Day Round-Up
US Supreme Court isn’t troubled by Hurricane Sandy [Reuters] Law firm’s Lance Armstrong comment [Private...
*Inns Of Court Scholarship Deadline Alert*
Wannabe barristers who forget to apply for a lucrative Inns of Court scholarship may find...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 29 October
27 year-old Linklaters lawyer Daniel Bagshaw collapses and dies in Hong Kong triathlon [Mail Online]...
Legal Cheek Top Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. Think Twice Before You Press That Retweet Button 2. Twitter Suspends QualitySolicitors’ Anti Co-Op...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Berlusconi sentenced to four years in jail [Sky News] but quickly reduced to one [BBC]...
#RoundMyKitchenTable PODCAST: How The Disappearance Of Privacy Is Driving Lawyers Crazy
These days, lawyers seem to spend half their time trying to come up with new...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 26 October
A death row struggle between advocates and lawyers [New York Times] Freshfields eyes Australia launch...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Legal book of the day [Twitter via David Allen Green] More shenanigans on prisoner votes...