Author: Legal Cheek
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 19 March
Zimbabwe police ignore order to free top lawyer [Huffington Post] CLA condems the arrest of...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Draft royal charter on self regulation of the press [] “I warned you they needed...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Joshua Rozenberg interviews court artist Julia Quenzler [Radio 4] Start the bilge pumps or abandon...
Morning round-up: Friday 15 March
Law profession can’t handle talented women, says Baroness Hale [The Independent] “I won back my...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Boris Bike lawyers think a leap year is 364 days long [Dave Gorman on Twitter]...
Do As I Say Not As I Do Advocacy Training: Starring Lord Sumption
Last month we analysed the “smug smile” and poor posture which blight Lord Neuberger’s delivery...
Farewell to the graffiti barrister
The eagle-eyed will have noticed that Legal Cheek has undergone a spring makeover. Which means...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 14 March
Who is Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, the lawyer taking Argo to court? [The Week] Just doing my...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 13 March
Carlos Tevez to be represented in driving court case by Burton Copeland solicitor nicknamed ‘Merlin...
End Of The Day Round-Up
“Carlsberg doesn’t do press releases, but if you drink a load of it and then...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 8 March
“A shocking lack of understanding of the justice system is driving dangerous cuts”: A guest...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Pryce guilty: The campaign by vengeful wife and “batty” barrister [The Independent] Judge Constance Briscoe...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Inside the Supreme Court [Radio 4] Q&A: Legal aid changes [BBC News] Legal aid: Criminal...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 5 March
Michael Turner QC: “Once you get your young barristers being trained by Tesco’s you will...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Secret courts: Former top judge Lord Woolf backs government changes [BBC News] Lawyer who was...
Morning Round-Up: Friday 1 March
Rolling Stones threaten legal action over new swinging 60s musical Carnaby Street [The Independent] Judge...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Vatican’s plan to call retiring pontiff Benedict XVI “Pope Emeritus” hits snag as rapper who...
Is The Criminal Bar Finally Eating Itself?
Forget the rights and wrongs of the decision by two Tooks’ barristers to start a...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 28 February
Parents in custody disputes spit and throw chairs at judges [The Guardian] CPS staff members...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Youngest of the new silks is just a year older than Spurs’ rookie manager Andre...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 27 February
2013 QC appointments: full list [Crime Line] One solicitor makes grade in QC round [Law...