Author: Legal Cheek
Alternative Careers For Law Grads: Busker
Some poetry from self-styled “People’s Lawyer and the People’s Poet” David Neita popped up on...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 4 April
Clamp on lagal aid: Cons’ cash to take prisons to court is axed [The Sun]...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Owner wins legal battle for return of beloved cat [Birmingham Mail] How the law views...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 3 April
Carlos Tevez and “Merlin the Magician” (his lawyer) to attend court today where star faces...
End Of The Day Round-Up
How to represent yourself in court and get DIY justice [VICE] Student legal advice centre...
Revision Meme Of The Week – Brought To You In Association With UKIP
Via Sophie Stratford
Legal Cheek High Five: The Week’s Most Read Stories
1. The Anonymous Twitter Account Causing A Storm Among Nation’s Law Students 2. ‘Having Your...
End Of The Day Round-Up
“Like the foot of Cinderella, the 1970 Act (as amended from time to time) has...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 28 March
Ex-Herbert Smith partner Margaret Mountford presents ‘Pompeii: The mystery of the people frozen in time’...
End Of The Day Round-Up
One quarter believe City NQs not paid enough [Lawyer2B] Psychologists investigate mass delusion [Legal Bizzle...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 27 March
The Kardashians take legal advice over “vile” Ford ad [Glamour] Abu Qatada deportation ruling due...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Richard III’s distant relatives threaten legal challenge over burial [The Guardian] Because of the many...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 26 March
‘Yet another “human Rights” barrister. The harm such people have done is incalcuable [sic]’ [The...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Solicitor ditches the law to launch Cocoretto Chocolates business [The Journal] Secret courts are already...
Quote Of The Day
“Having your boobs out a little bit isn’t fake but it’s a little bit flirtatious...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Footballer tired of jokers telling him not to spend as much time on the bench...
‘I Opened My EU Law Paper And I Cried. I Actually Cried’: Exam Preparation Tips Gleaned From Bitter Experience
Bristol University lecturer Steven Vaughan has drawn on his own past failures to compile this...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Supreme Court justices go into secret closed session for the first ever time in their...
Morning Round-Up: Thursday 21 March
Ex- Greenwoods solicitor Rukmini Iyer appears on Masterchef [BBC iPlayer] Female lawyers speak out in...
End Of The Day Round-Up
Company director Bart Simpson appears before judge named Mr Burns [Metro] Porn star Luka Magnotta...
Morning Round-Up: Wednesday 20 March
American-style televised courts move a step closer: Channel 4 to show a British murder trial...