Author: Alex Aldridge
Royal Charter Spurs Awed CILEX Lawyers To Remove Shoes: EXCLUSIVE PICS
The Royal Charter conferred recently upon law’s plucky underdogs, legal executives, carries great power, elevating...
The Times Mistakenly Features Barrister In Story – And 2 Days Later Still Hasn’t Removed Her Name
On Monday, Lucy Reed, a barrister at St John’s Chambers in Bristol, was surprised to...
The Worst Training Contract Pitch Ever?
“It took me five years to finish that law degree, thanks to rugby,” British Lions...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 27 March
Legal directory games – The BabyBarista Blog Pretend barrister David Evans jailed for 18 months...
William Hague’s Ex-Advisor Christopher Myers Bags DLA Piper Training Contract
Christopher Myers, who in 2010 was forced to resign as special advisor to married foreign...
Are Top Legal Tweeters Socially Disruptive Narcissists?
It was with grave concern for Preiskel & Co’s David Allen Green – Britain’s only lawyer...
City Lawyer In Dog Murder Stalking Riddle
Baffled police are attempting to figure out why Graeme Francis, a solicitor at Keystone Law,...
Trainee Solicitors Could Earn Just £5,408 a Year If Minimum Wage Scrapped
Trainee solicitors could be re-classified as apprentices – and see their salaries tumble to just...
Morning Round-Up: Tuesday 22 March
Law firm fires 14 for wearing matching orange shirts to work – Daily Mail Lady...
Racist Tweet Law Student Avoids Jail – But Career Prospects Damaged
Newcastle University law student Joshua Cryer has been sentenced to a two-year community order for...
Superbrands Top 500: A Worrying Signal For The Human Race
If I were to tell you that I like pizza slightly more than Cornwall, but...
Lord Neuberger Slams Judges For Appearing on MasterChef
Never upstage the boss. And that rule applies double when your boss is Master of...
Morning Round-Up: Monday 19 March
Family forced out of dream home after solicitors run off with their £400K life savings...
REVEALED: £30K Buys a TC, £9K a Paralegal Post
Earlier this month, Jonathan Fagan, managing director of Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment, received an email from...
Times Law 100: It’s Oxbridge-Educated White Men And Shami Chakrabarti, Again!
Another year, another list of the UK’s top 100 lawyers by The Times. And once...
PRO BONO FAIL: Law Firms Outnumber Cases As Law Soc’s Riot Help Scheme Flops
EXCLUSIVE: It wasn’t just kids in Tottenham and Hackney who got carried away during last...
Got a 2:2? Want To Be a Barrister? Well, You’ve Got a Chance
While researching my article about sitting the Kaplan BPTC aptitude test for the Guardian this...
David ‘Scrap The QC System’ Wolfe QC Is STILL Fuming
Rule one of PR: you can’t shut the stable door after the horse has bolted....
The Perils Of Interviewing Lawyers
Lawyers’ aversion to risk makes them awful to interview. Attempt to challenge this rule of...
EXCLUSIVE: Freshfields Celebrates International Women’s Day With Cake-Baking Competition
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, which has one of the lowest percentages of female partners (12%) of...
Law Student Changes Plea And Admits to Sending Stan Collymore Racist Tweets
Newcastle University law student Joshua Cryer (pictured) has confessed to sending “grossly offensive” tweets to...