Author: Alex Aldridge
Did Freshfields’ Olympics Sponsorship Come Out Of The Pro Bono Budget?
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s sponsorship of the Olympics cost it £10 million. The firm’s most recent...
‘I Would Like To Extend You a Counter-Offer To Suck My Dick’: Law School Dropout’s Job Chances Scotched As Email Goes Viral
We haven’t had a legal profession viral email story since the ‘spitroast trainee’ Daniel England...
Taking The Piss Out Of Judges To Be Legalised
At Legal Cheek, we enjoy taking the piss out of judges. Especially when they appear...
Judges Threatened With Disciplinary Action For Blogging About Their Day Job – Even If They Do So Anonymously
A magistrate has published on his blog what he says are new guidelines from the...
Jags And Unpaid Interns: The Two Faces Of Fly-On-The-Wall Documentary Law Firm Tuckers
‘The Briefs’, the two-part ITV criminal law firm documentary which concluded last night, sparked rage...
NAMED: The Bar Graduate, 27, Who Anthony Arlidge QC Has Dumped Constance Briscoe For
On Tuesday, we relayed the extraordinary news that 18 Red Lion Court veteran Anthony Arlidge...
City Lawyer Admits To ‘Trying It On’ With Woman On Edinburgh-London National Express Coach
There was a time, before the financial crisis struck, when City lawyers travelled by plane....
For God’s Sake, Retire! Baby Boomer Partners’ Refusal To Quit Blocks Junior Lawyer Career Progression
The number of partners retiring has fallen by a third in the last 15 years,...
Anthony Arlidge QC, 75, Ditches Judge Constance Briscoe For Wannabe Barrister, 27
In his recently relinquished role of Master of Entertainments at Middle Temple, Anthony Arlidge QC...
Cameron McKenna: Inhale The Good Shit, Exhale The Bullshit
Last week, The Lawyer reported that CMS Cameron McKenna is dropping the ‘CMS’ tag and...
A G&T With @LegalTrainee Founder Izzy Abidi
Earlier this week I caught up with Eversheds trainee Izzy Abidi – the brains behind...
Pupillage Portal Gets The Year And The Day Wrong As Chambers Make Their Graduate Offers
There was widespread disbelief earlier this year when, for the first time in its three-year...
Dog Bite Judge Beatrice Bolton: ‘Judges Are Human And They Can Only Take So Much’
Former Crown Court judge Beatrice Bolton achieved fame when she stormed out of court after...
‘Ditch University Snobbery’, Says Lawyer-Turned-MP Whose Oxford AND Cambridge Degrees Helped Him Net Linklaters Job
There’s more evidence of the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do mentality that is coming to define this government in...
Huge Follower Count Of Celebrity Solicitor Dean Dunham Plummets As Fear Spreads About Being Outed for Buying Twitter Disciples
The other week we reported the spectacular – and rather unnatural – growth in the Twitter...
Fifty Shades Of Grey Frenzy Prompts Solicitor To Pen ‘Acceptable Face Of Porn In The Office’ Memo
There are some gems contained within this memo by Lupton Fawcett lawyer Angela Gorton on...
Lesbian Law Student Publishes Vacation Scheme Sex Diary
“Being a summer intern at a law firm is an exercise in gluttony and high-functioning...
Jobless Graduates Left At Whim Of Law Firms’ Make-It-Up-As-You-Go-Along Recruitment Procedures
Last month Kearns Solicitors placed an advert in Counsel magazine seeking LPC and BPTC graduates...
As Bradley Wiggins Triumphs, Law Firm Releases Tour De France Death Infographic To Flog Accident Claims
Tired of the old ‘had an accident at work?’ advertising format, personal injury lawyers are...
Lawyers Are Like Meerkats And Naked Vole Rats, Claims Ex-Freshfields Managing Partner
Thought that corporate law was all about the survival of the fittest and the drive...
Making Sense Of The Mixed Messages About The Graduate Legal Job Market
On Monday I read a piece in The Lawyer about the encouraging recent trainee retention...