Author: Alex Aldridge
Why Did The Criminal Bar Association Choose Judge John Deed To Deliver Its Annual Lecture?
Surreal scenes yesterday evening at the Criminal Bar Association’s (CBA) annual ‘Kalisher lecture’, which was...
EVENT: Legal Cheek At The Google Campus
On the evening of Wednesday 5 December Legal Cheek is hosting a star-studded panel debate...
Knowing Me Alan Partridge, Knowing You Norfolk Poly: Why Cheesy £350 UCAS Statements Will Only Take You So Far
Yesterday The Observer announced it had “discovered” that sixth-formers are paying up to £350 for...
Day Of Reckoning Arrives For Court Interpreting Company Which Offered Jobs To Animals
Applied Language Solutions (ALS), the gaffe-prone interpreting service awarded the exclusive right to supply interpreters...
Mystery As English Solicitor Found Dead In Yemen
Roger Stokes, an English solicitor with the Yemeni law firm Sheikh Tariq Abdullah, has died...
‘Senior Partners At Major Law Firms Can’t Afford To Live In Central London’, Claims Top US Lawyer
Mark Herrmann, a senior in-house lawyer at multinational company Aon, has recently moved to London...
Barrister Who Was Rebuked For Impersonating Top QC Points Finger At BSB After He’s Fined For Working Illegally
Cardiff-based barrister David Leathley, who spent almost £50,000 unsuccessfully fighting claims he posed as Joel...
It’s Official: City Lawyers Hate Their Jobs
At last night’s Life With Law talk on ‘finding your path and making things happen’,...
Constance Briscoe Is Arrested
Judge and author Constance Briscoe, who is a prosecution witness in the Huhne trial, has...
Is The Legal Profession Really On The Verge Of Revolution?
There was excited talk of “profound change”, “broken business models” and “the end of Law...
Observer Hints That Solicitor Called ‘Chris’ May Have Been Involved In Civil Procedure Rules Breach. But Who’s ‘Chris’?
Yesterday may not have been the most relaxing Sunday for a mystery media law partner...
Young Bar Chief’s ‘Be The Best’ Cry Has a Hollow Ring To It
David Nicholls, the chairman of the Young Barristers’ Committee (YBC), has issued a call for...
ADVICE: ‘How Can I Get a First Class Degree?’
‘Mike’, who has just begun an undergraduate law degree, wants to know what it takes...
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Made In Chelsea, The Lawyers’ Version – Leaked Pilot Tape
Back in April, we reported that SJ Berwin’s Tim Taylor QC (pictured) had mentioned the...
What’s Going On At 36 Bedford Row?
News has reached us that several senior members of 36 Bedford Row’s clerking team are...
Law Graduate Launches Online Begging Campaign To Save Him From Living With His Parents Until He’s 40
In Britain, law graduates who have failed to secure jobs as solicitors/barristers either toil away...
All 3 Previous Non-Lawyer Lord Chancellors Ended Up In Tower Of London, Lord Chief Justice Tells Chris Grayling
Chris Grayling, the new hard-line Lord Chancellor, isn’t the kind of guy who naturally elicits...
Who Said Judges Don’t Get Social Media?
The full transcript of yesterday’s annual press conference with the Lord Chief Justice is very...
EXCLUSIVE: Mr Loophole Closes Down His Law Firm, All Staff Made Redundant
Freeman Keep On Driving, the specialist drink driving law firm owned by Nick “Mr Loophole”...
Michael Mansfield: Women ‘Seriously Underrepresented’ In Parliament (No. Of Female QCs In Mansfield’s Chambers: 0)
“The House of Commons is not representative of the electorate,” began a high-minded letter in...
Law Firm Exclaims ‘Delight’ At Having 43,000 Twitter Followers; Fails To Mention They’re Almost All Fake
In its September newsletter, Blavo & Co Solicitors professes itself “excited and delighted by our...