Author: Alex Aldridge
When tweeting from a law firm Twitter account, be sure not to wish ‘death to all police’
A Canadian criminal lawyer is at the heart of a media storm after several highly...
Leaked CPS email details security breaches in robing room strewn with 999 tapes, confidential files and deodorant cans
Judging by an email leaked to us over the weekend, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)...
PR inexperience of ‘weirdly silent’ striking criminal barristers could cost them dear
The success – or otherwise – of striking criminal barristers’ campaign to prevent the dismantling...
Hopes of an all-solicitor Masterchef final are dashed
There was a moment in Friday’s night’s Masterchef quarter final when it looked like Morgan...
The Home Office’s Spelling And Punctuation Shame (In A Press Release About English Language Tests)
As spotted by 1 Crown Office Row barrister Adam Wagner.
After The BPTC Ethics Exam ‘Very Serious Issue’, Tumbleweed…
It has been a month since the infamous Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) ethics exam,...
Is Flame-Grilling Your Bridges With Burger King Because You’re Going To Law School Such A Great Idea?
Once upon a time, before a bank called Lehman Brothers collapsed plunging the world into...
Chat, Date Or Instruct A Barrister!
The brand association hazards for barristers promoting their services via the Evening Standard‘s small ads...
Who Needs Chambers And Partners When You’ve Got Siralan?
Experts have been predicting the demise of legal directories for years. But market leading duo...
Did Rochman Landau Solicitor Use Firm Computer To Describe Himself As ‘UK’s Barack Obama’ On His Wikipedia Page?
Lawyers with political ambitions, beware… It has been revealed today that a Wikipedia description of...
The Company Charging Wannabe Lawyers Hundreds Of Pounds For Paralegal Job Interviews
As the odds of landing a training contract or pupillage grow longer, and wannabe lawyers...
Lawyer Who Fell Asleep In Court Blames Hippopotamus-Related ‘Spiritual Attack’ Originating In London
A human rights lawyer who fell asleep during a hearing in the Ghanaian Supreme Court...
Why Law Students Should Probably Not Tweet About Killing Politicians
Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Indeed, among some people opposed...
He’s Got 284 Law Student Problems But A Twitter Follower Shortage Ain’t One
In just two months, with a mere 284 tweets, anonymous law student ‘LawVicissitudes’ has taken...
Why Geographicals Don’t Work
Back in 2007, after I’d spent a year flunking pupillage interviews upon completion of Bar...
BSB In Data Protection Howler As It Divulges 1,268 Barristers’ Email Addresses
Just when you thought that the Bar Standards Board (BSB) had run out of embarrassing...
Why Wannabe Lawyers Should Think Twice Before Publishing Poems Lampooning Women Drivers
As the editor of a gossipy, tabloid-ish website, my philosophy is that if anyone voluntarily...
Criminal Bar Association Takes Swipe At ‘Dickhead’ Law Student
On Easter Sunday, anonymous Twitter sensation @LawVicissitudes tweeted this cheekily blasphemous gag: What people don’t...
Retiring Judge Delivers What May Be The Most Tortuous Equine Metaphor Ever
The Court of Appeal judgment in Colin Wright v Michael Wright Supplies Ltd and Turner...
The 3 Step Guide To Launching A Social Media Hate Campaign Against A Law Firm
First start a blog – and call it ‘[insert law firm’s name here] SUCK’ Next, make...
‘Churn That Bill Baby!’ Embarrassment As DLA Piper Billing Emails Emerge
There is embarrassment for DLA Piper this morning after emails emerged in a US court...