Author: Alex Aldridge

Wannabe lawyer in vile Dunkin’ Donuts rant

Note to law students: avoid becoming carried away by a newfound knowledge of “your rights”...

Jun 13 2013 9:16am

Lawyer’s letter gets deserved response

From today’s The Sun… As spotted by @JamesManning4. The original The Sun Scientology flying saucers...

Jun 13 2013 8:59am

The most mixed metaphor used to insult lawyers ever?

Last week’s piece in the Daily Mail about the top earning legal aid lawyers –...

Jun 12 2013 1:01pm

Exclusive footage of the legal aid solicitor who has quit law to become a busker

The news that a criminal defence solicitor had quit law to become a busker caused...

Jun 12 2013 9:58am

Freshfields: ‘no confidential material used’ by trainee who sold ‘inside tips’ to magic circle hopefuls

Magic circle giant Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has concluded its investigation into the trainee behind controversial...

Jun 11 2013 1:09pm

Why it’s not a good idea to slap your lawyer’s bum in court

American football star Chad Johnson looked set to receive a community service order for a...

Jun 11 2013 9:14am

‘Criminal barrister’ ranked 7th sexiest job ever by GQ Magazine

Finally some good news for criminal barristers: they have made GQ‘s ‘Ten Sexiest Jobs Ever’...

Jun 10 2013 12:11pm

Potentially juicy magic circle constructive dismissal claim of the week

For those with an interest in the City branch of the legal profession, A Hussain...

Jun 10 2013 9:40am

The Freshfields trainee selling insider training contract interview tips for £150 a pop

Exclusive: appeared online a few days ago. It offers “inside tips from a current...

Jun 7 2013 12:06pm

Why there are literally no good reasons to become a ‘self-employed consultant solicitor’

Where do lawyers go when they lose their jobs? It’s a question on the minds...

Jun 6 2013 9:38am

The celebs supporting #SaveUKJustice

This morning Stephen Fry became the most high profile celebrity (he has nearly six million...

Jun 4 2013 1:05pm

Video: The moment a drunk lawyer strips from waist down and lunges at police after apparently running away from a cab without paying

New York lawyer Stephanie Hendricks had quite an evening on Saturday. After a heavy drinking...

Jun 4 2013 9:23am

Cambridge shocks students with X-rated criminal law exam paper

Law students at Cambridge University were surprised to find this rather graphic problem question in...

Jun 3 2013 8:06am

Will lawyers fall for the government’s ‘wholesale privatisation of justice’ PR trick?

During the consultation over the scrapping of the trainee solicitor minimum salary last year, the...

May 29 2013 8:57am

Video: the Downfall of Chris Grayling

Justice secretary Chris Grayling has become the latest victim of the Downfall meme, in which...

May 28 2013 8:29am

Obscenity Lawyer: How to create a niche doing something you’re passionate about

As you’d expect, Myles Jackman – aka “Obscenity Lawyer” – has some great stories. My...

May 24 2013 11:21am

Going, going, gone – to the person with £2,660 to blow on legal work experience

Westminster School has completed its controversial auction of work experience at the criminal Bar, with...

May 23 2013 7:12am

In pictures: today’s legal aid protest

This morning’s demonstration against the government’s legal aid proposals saw 500 plus lawyers take to...

May 22 2013 2:10pm

Anonymous case report of the week

The Court of Appeal’s recent judgement in AAA (by her litigation friend BBB) v Associated...

May 21 2013 3:12pm

Legal Tumblrs: Because lawyers can do LOLcats too

Tumblr, the home of the animated gif and the LOLcat, is suddenly everywhere following its...

May 21 2013 1:37pm

The 10 best #SaveUKJustice images

One of the happy side effects of the #SaveUKJustice campaign is that it has allowed...

May 21 2013 10:03am