Author: Alex Aldridge
Lord Justice Ward bows out with a tribute to oral advocacy
Legendary Court of Appeal judge Sir Alan Ward has delivered his final judgment. Compared to...
How should chambers and law firms reject applicants?
Recently we received this email from a disgruntled pupillage-seeker… How did the pupillage-seeker know they...
‘Your Barrister Boyfriend’ reveals 5 more ‘barrister hotties (or notties?)’ nominated by readers
The authors of the seminal ’21 hottest barristers in London’ — hosted on the YourBarristerBoyfriend Tumblr...
Olympic rower cleared of assault: Clifford Chance associate ‘was like a dog snapping’ as he ‘attempted to bite me on the nose’
Olympic rower Sean Corrigall has been cleared today of assaulting Clifford Chance associate Edward Dyson...
Quitting a law degree because of a disappointing first year: a good idea?
Last week I got this email. My response is below. Dear Anonymous Lancaster University Student,...
How anonymous social media sensations can avoid getting sued
Amid the thrills of YourBarristerBoyfriend’s sensational arrival on the scene last week, there were —...
Adventures in law firm marketing
Spotted yesterday in fashionable London artist enclave Hackney Wick. In the interests of accuracy, it...
What’s going on at Tooks Chambers?
Rumours are raging about the future of Tooks Chambers. Yesterday Respect Party politician Lee Jasper...
JK Rowling slams Soho law firm — Soho law firm hangs partner out to dry
“To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I had assumed that I could...
Cycling solicitor who jumped red light claims filming him is ‘against data protection law’
Woe betide any red light-jumping cyclist who encounters SonOfTheWinds, a YouTube phenomenon who spends his...
‘Your Barrister Boyfriend’ Tumblr names ‘the 21 hottest barristers in London’
A Tumblr called YourBarristerBoyfriend has produced what it terms “the first ever official Barrister Hottie...
Yet another top barrister quits Tooks…
The exodus began last autumn when Tim Moloney QC, Adrian Waterman QC and Tatyana Eatwell...
Do the lawyers who are demanding that @Pippatips be deleted understand Twitter?
According to The Independent, Harbottle & Lewis is demanding, on behalf of Pippa Middleton, that...
Lawyer sues Apple for letting him access porn after typing error
US lawyer Chris Sevier has filed a claim against Apple for failing to protect him...
Spoof Lord Chief Justice application by Lord Justice Moses (aged 67½) — the full text
On Friday the Law Society Gazette‘s Catherine Baksi reported that Court of Appeal judge Sir...
Client-focused lawyer abandons submerged Ferrari to get to hearing on time
Earlier this week photos of a Ferrari submerged in a flooded Toronto underpass went viral...
‘We don’t even want to know your grades’: Is this the future of hiring pupil barristers?
Exclusive: Outer Temple Chambers has launched a new approach to graduate recruitment, which it is...
Barbara Hewson’s defence of notorious age of consent article on Channel 4 news last night unlikely to win her pals
Human rights barrister Barbara Hewson’s decision to write an article for Spiked magazine arguing, amongst...
Charmaines and Kylies in law: a full statistical breakdown
On Friday we reported that reality TV star Katie Hopkins had used the legal profession...
Spotted in the Temple: the filming of Silk series 3 — and Rupert Penry-Jones isn’t happy
The good news for actor Rupert Penry-Jones, who plays barrister Clive Reader in hit BBC...
Are there really no lawyers called Charmaine or Kylie?
Ex-Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins reckons that the legal profession is an area of life that...