Author: Alex Aldridge
Video: Judge punches judge in Mexican courtroom brawl
A senior Mexican judge is facing possible impeachment after he attacked fellow judges during a...
Video of Allen & Overy partner reading hardcore porn out loud in Deidre Dare sexual harassment case placed on YouTube
A video of former Allen & Overy partner Tony Humphrey reading hard core porn out...
Dalston law firm’s website is so awful that it’s ironically extremely cool
If this man were to continue walking down the road in east London hipster enclave...
On the menu: lawyers
Yesterday food blog Accidental Flatlander posted a photo that will chill the blood of solicitors...
‘F*ck you!’ — ‘that’s 300 days!’: Judge keeps upping insolent defendant’s contempt of court sentence as insults spew forth
A furious US judge increased a defendant’s contempt of court sentence seven times as she...
UK legal education system given unlikely boost by Obama
The messy postgraduate route to qualifying as a lawyer in England and Wales comes in...
Podcast: What sexy law-related careers are there other than the Bar?
Like many young hopefuls, Thomas Connelly and Nathan Akhavan-Moossavi both found themselves drawn to the...
Advice: ‘I met my conditions for Durham, but my grades are good enough for me to re-apply to Oxbridge’
Last week I received this email from an A-level student who is considering taking a...
Podcast: Could doing something outrageous help you get a training contract?
Cambridge law student Sebastian Salek (pictured above left with Legal Cheek‘s Tom Webb and Kevin...
10 of the most unhinged comments about lawyers to ever grace the Mail Online
What with Robert Colover‘s labelling of a paedophile’s victim as “predatory”, the emergence of Barbara...
Why do rappers prefer Jewish lawyers over members of the legal profession of other faiths?
Comedy blog Slacktory has put together a compilation video of rappers reflecting proudly on their...
Exclusive: BPP has been made a university
David Willetts, the minister of state for universities and science, has approved the granting of...
Top QC offers Chris Grayling work experience at her chambers
5KBW’s Sarah Forshaw QC has offered non-lawyer justice secretary Chris Grayling an opportunity to gain...
Could the legal aid reforms improve life for baby barristers?
It’s a confusing time for future legal aid barristers. On Friday a lucky few obtained...
Barrister creates two YouTube homages to himself: which one do you prefer?
YouTube is a tricky medium to get right. Still, full marks to 33 Bedford Row’s...
Tooks withdraws mini-pupillage due to ‘unforeseen circumstances’ — and rules out placements for 2014
In the latest sign that all is not well at Tooks Chambers, Michael Mansfield QC’s...
Tuckers senior partner says it’s ‘not my job 2 care about justice’ and that he couldn’t ‘give a flying f… about anybody else’
After David Dickinson look-a-like (and Tuckers Solicitors senior partner) Franklin Sinclair showed off his Jaguar...
Lawyer files petition at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to challenge the unfair trial of Jesus Christ
A Kenyan lawyer has petitioned the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to...
Barrister puts wig and gown on eBay and issues dramatic warning to Bar wannabes
A junior barrister has ended her career in dramatic style by placing her “Ede and...
Hotties of the week: ‘Melting barrister’s clerk’ slams ‘boiling barrister’
This week has seen not only the return of the “Barrister Hottie Experts”, but a...
A wannabe lawyer’s social media strategy to land a job through the showcasing of his buff physique
Want to make yourself stand out from the crowd of other jobless lawyers? Well, you...