Author: Alex Aldridge

Solicitor in zippable ‘Super Tie’ Dragon’s Den nightmare

A solicitor has had his entrepreneurial dream of "revolutionising neckwear for men" rubbished on BBC2's Dragon's Den.

Feb 28 2014 12:32pm

5 things you need to know about the MoJ’s terrifying legal aid cut announcement

The Ministry of Justice's long-awaited announcement about its consultation on reforms to criminal legal aid has sent shockwaves through the profession.

Feb 27 2014 4:36pm

How it went wrong between media lawyer Mark Stephens and his former client Julian Assange

Julian Assange's ghostwriter has given some juicy insights into the deterioration of the Wikileaks founder's relationship with star media solicitor Mark Stephens.

Feb 26 2014 12:12pm

Photo appears on Instagram of Doughty Street barrister Amal Alamuddin with George Clooney at the White House

Human rights barrister spotted out with film star for second time, setting tongues wagging.

Feb 26 2014 8:10am

Event: If I knew then what I know now — at Inner Temple

On the evening of Monday 24 March seven contributors to the ‘If I knew then...

Feb 25 2014 12:35pm

Stricken Renaissance Chambers will ‘look after’ its baby barristers ahead of dissolution

Set's priority to find new homes for in-coming pupil and current first-sixer, but mini-pupillage applicants to be disappointed.

Feb 24 2014 5:01pm

Linklaters courts controversy by backing cheerleading

Like sports and equalities minister Helen Grant, magic circle firm Linklaters is pro-cheerleading.

Feb 24 2014 1:49pm

The car park in Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking is being demolished

Lord Denning fans will be sad to hear that the car park which featured in the famous Court of Appeal exclusion clause case is no more.

Feb 24 2014 9:31am

Immigration solicitors on naughty step as 4 law firms receive High Court rebuke

A vintage few months for judicial spankings has yielded yet another lawyer takedown — and...

Feb 21 2014 9:23am

Barristers rubbish Public Defender Service

A bin at Cardiff Crown Court has felt the full force of barristers' dislike for the much-maligned PDS.

Feb 19 2014 9:39am

QC list 2014: Big jump in ethnic minority silks, but why so few women still?

Solicitor-advocate numbers up sharply too, but most new appointments are white male barristers.

Feb 19 2014 8:03am

Is DLA boss Sir Nigel Knowles the most boring person on Twitter?

To have led DLA Piper from regional law firm to global behemoth suggests that Sir Nigel Knowles has a considerable personality. But he hasn't shown much of it on Twitter since he began tweeting last year.

Feb 18 2014 10:40am

Third six pupil who wowed Bar with legal aid cuts speech is made a tenant at last

A rare good news story for the criminal branch of the legal profession.

Feb 17 2014 11:06am

Barrister who fabricated Harvard degrees is struck off

A practising barrister who falsely claimed to have two undergraduate degrees from Harvard (and a rather-less-impressive LLM from Staffordshire University) has been disbarred.

Feb 10 2014 2:06pm

Full text: Pupil barrister’s brilliant #OneBarOneVoice speech

23 Essex Street pupil barrister Hannah Evans (pictured) was the star of Saturday's 'One Bar One Voice' event after revealing the reality of on the Bar's bottom rung for "ordinary" people.

Feb 10 2014 9:47am

Queen’s University Belfast law graduate apologises after drinking goldfish in NekNominate video

Aspiring solicitor who consumed pet expresses regret on Facebook.

Feb 10 2014 8:55am

There is a new app that generates frivolous lawsuits

Simply select the type of claim you'd like to file from the drop-down menu.

Feb 7 2014 2:10pm

That awkward moment when the disgruntled paralegal’s boyfriend brings the law firm Twitter account into it

The Twitter account of national law firm DWF has been subjected to a tirade of...

Feb 5 2014 12:07pm

District judge apologises for NekNominate video

It was a matter of time before the controversial 'NekNominate' craze spread to law. But few expected a district judge to lead the way.

Feb 4 2014 8:47pm