Author: Alex Aldridge

Legal pic of the day

Lawyers escape the office en masse to watch the Tour de France whiz down the back of the Inns of Court this afternoon.

Jul 7 2014 4:37pm

LPC applications fall by 10% despite 8% rise in training contracts

Decline in LPC applications suggests that students don't believe recent increase in training contract numbers will be sustained.

Jul 7 2014 10:41am

‘Right to be forgotten’ ruling sees article about ‘foul-mouthed’ ex-Law Society president removed from Google

Articles in The Independent, The Telegraph and The Guardian about Robert Sayer disappear from search engine after implementation of controversial ruling.

Jul 3 2014 4:26pm

Pupil master cracks Jimmy Savile ‘mitigating circumstances’ gag on student advice forum — nobody laughs

TheStudentRoom message board removes barrister's ill-judged quip...after we got a screenshot.

Jul 3 2014 9:06am

Massive 38 per cent fall in tenancies isn’t as bad as had been feared

Three months after releasing incorrect tenancy statistic, the Bar Council and Bar Standards Board produce correct figure.

Jul 2 2014 10:35pm

We need to talk about paralegals

The children of the financial crisis could pose a danger to law firms if their ambitions aren't accommodated.

Jun 30 2014 11:13am

The best photos from London Legal Pride

Saturday's gay pride celebration saw a record 30,000 revellers march through central London. Among them was a large contingent from the legal profession.

Jun 30 2014 9:21am

Which last 16 World Cup team is your law firm?

Brazil 2014 legal geekery: striking parallels revealed.

Jun 27 2014 11:24am

Wannabe solicitor with murder conviction is allowed to do the LPC

High Court clears way for Selwyn Strachan — who was released from prison in Grenada in 2009 after Amnesty International slammed his "fatally flawed" trial — to become a solicitor.

Jun 26 2014 9:38am

Legal pic of the day


Jun 25 2014 4:50pm

Legal pic of the day

Just about every law student has been there -- just think introduction to land law.

Jun 24 2014 4:34pm

Workload and client expectations are by far the biggest causes of stress for lawyers

60% of stressed-out solicitors say volume of work is the problem; 42% cite client expectations.

Jun 23 2014 7:44am

4 things you absolutely must do during a vac scheme

A student, a trainee and a graduate recruiter share their experiences of vac schemes at Hogan Lovells, Mayer Brown and Norton Rose Fulbright to help wannabe lawyers about to start summer placements at City law firms.

Jun 18 2014 9:14am

In-house lawyers have been re-branded ‘legal ninjas’

Silicon Valley software company Palantir doesn't have in-house lawyers, it has "legal ninjas" -- and it wants to find one in London, where the term will surely never catch on.

Jun 17 2014 9:05am

Legal pic of the day

Nabarro lawyers take a no-nonsense approach to their trainees.

Jun 16 2014 4:26pm

Doughty Street barrister’s wedding to George Clooney could be off, claims US gossip rag

In latest instalment of wall-to-wall Amal Alamuddin coverage, “sources” tell National Enquirer that barrister’s forthcoming nuptials to Hollywood actor may not happen.

Jun 16 2014 9:46am

Lawyers celebrate anniversary of Magna Carta with a #Jelfie

What better way to mark the anniversary of the ancient charter of the liberties of England — which turned 799 yesterday — than with a "jelfie" (justice selfie)?

Jun 16 2014 8:46am

Under-publicised scheme which pays almost a third of wannabe lawyers’ university fees quietly opens

City law firm's bursary for state school students who are the first generation in their family to go to uni pays £2,500 a year -- and application requires only a 750-word essay.

Jun 13 2014 10:20am

Doughty Street human rights barrister tweets tips from pupillage interview frontline

Charity campaign manager-turned-human rights lawyer Steve Broach — who was called to the Bar in 2008 — shares wisdom gleaned from this year’s pupil selection process at glamour set Doughty Street.

Jun 12 2014 12:57pm

QC who is shortlisted for ‘Barrister of the year’ is on awards judging panel

Landmark Chambers’ Nathalie Lieven QC is up for an award in the same awards ceremony she is judging. But The Lawyer magazine denies there is a conflict of interest.

Jun 12 2014 9:19am

Clifford Chance ‘motivational postcards’ offend firm’s lawyers (and everyone else)

Suggestion that solicitors at magic circle giant are a “select group that is superior” to others goes down badly.

Jun 9 2014 9:54am