Author: Alex Aldridge
Royal Holloway to compete with UCL, LSE, Queen Mary and King’s as it launches latest University of London LLB
Rising student demand leads to creation of yet another law school
Expert: Law Society claim that rising pro bono is filling the legal aid gap is ‘misleading’
Volunteering by lawyers to help individuals hit by cuts may actually be falling
Legal pic of the day
Bar Council greets National Pro Bono Week with U2 quip
The end of the training contract? Law school and firm combine to launch new ‘articled apprenticeship’ route
It means students working through their degree, but they could qualify as solicitors debt free
The Citizenship Foundation is developing a very cool legal education app — and it needs law student and lawyer writers
Help charity create legal plotlines to engage young people with the law
Inns scholarship money wasted on ‘expensive, unproductive’ BPTC, says former Lord Chief Justice
Entry to the bar could be on the verge of a historic overhaul
For a judge that’s ‘right up to 11’: livid Sir James Munby launches most scathing attack on Grayling yet
Shocking case — which saw vulnerable couple and their child denied legal aid — makes the blood of nation’s top family judge boil
10 City law firms that are offering vac schemes this winter — for which it’s not too late to apply
But you'll need to get moving ...
Martha Costello QC to become a US attorney as she swaps chambers for ‘world’s top law firm’
Star of BBC legal drama to follow a reverse version of Amal Clooney's career path in American re-make
5 features of a changing legal market that wannabe lawyers will have to deal with in their careers
Top solicitors, barristers and chartered legal executives reveal what lies ahead for the profession
Why aren’t big law firms aiming for half their partners to be women?
Latest round of 30% women partner targets look do-able — but why so unambitious?
Professor Green reveals barrister dream
But his reasoning may fail to convince pupillage panels
8 things you need to know before applying for an Inns of Court scholarship
“Inner Temple for the rich, Middle Temple for the poor; Lincoln’s Inn for the gentlemen, And Gray’s Inn for a whore.” Spoiler: this rhyme is very misleading.
This is what happens when a law firm does a list on BuzzFeed
Who needs memes and gifs when you have THE LAW?
Al Murray wants ‘trolling’ to be re-named ‘grayling’
Was the nation’s press grayled by the justice secretary?
Bar Standards Board investigations chief removes scary Facebook profile photo
Go ahead, barristers who fail to complete their CPD requirements, make Paul Pretty's day
Allen & Overy salary rise pushes Slaughter and May to bottom of magic circle payscale
A&O is now the third best-paying out of the five magic circle firms — as elite end of law further detaches from rest of profession
Barrister hit by fit of the giggles while reading Gangsta-style Facebook messages in court
Crown Court judge intervenes as barrister succumbs to uncontrollable laughter
Law student does moot dressed in Lord Harley-style ribbons
Lord Harley of Counsel may have just become a meme
A brief history of ‘near-sourcing’: how Allen & Overy has cut in London and grown in Belfast
A very modern magic circle tale
Legal pic of the day
A lawyer stand-up comedy night: what could possibly go wrong?