Author: Adam Mawardi

The global pandemic through the eyes of a tech lawyer
Allen & Overy’s William Samengo-Turner considers what’s next for the booming tech industry

The top 10 Instagram memes that got us through lockdown
Legal Cheek hits 50,000 Insta-followers and counting...

Life as a magic circle partner… and how it’s changed due to the pandemic
Clifford Chance’s David Metzger discusses the challenges ahead for the construction industry, what the new era of big government means for law firms and why aspiring lawyers must become better listeners

Former MI5 boss to become law lecturer
Sir Andrew Parker takes up visiting prof role at Northumbria Law School

BPP secures indefinite degree-awarding powers
Previously assigned on time-limited basis

Former lawyer missed out on pupillage spot because chambers ‘hired a black guy last year’
The incident -- which happened around 30 years ago -- will be familiar to every black person looking for a job in industry, says now-entrepreneur Dawid Konotey-Ahulu

11 photos of Taylor Swift dressed like law firms
Legal lookbook includes the magic circle

TikToking law firm partner hits back at fellow lawyer’s claim she doesn’t ‘work very hard’
'I’m annualising 2,800 hours this year'

Love Island solicitor Rosie Williams to launch lawyer-inspired clothing line
'I found it impossible to find really nice workwear that wasn’t going to break the bank', she tells Legal Cheek

Scrap the Supreme Court, argues right-wing think tank
UK’s highest bench is guilty of ‘excessive judicial activism’

Coventry Uni law grad launches her own range of Nike trainers
Limited edition sneakers inspired by Jade Macpepple-Jaja's experience as a black woman in London

Corporate law firm pledges to donate all profits to charity — forever
Aria Grace Law looks to ‘spread the wealth’

Ropes & Gray bans TikTok on work devices following privacy concerns
Applies to lawyers and staff across US firm's global offices

Former lawyer slams law firms for putting email addresses in order of hierarchy
Moiz Ali says he was 'admonished'

Magic circle duo release financial results
Effect of COVID-19 shows up in Linklaters and Allen & Overy figures

Baker McKenzie to relocate City office
London move is part of long-term growth plans beyond COVID-19

Leeds Beckett music grad goes viral after sneaking into hungover mate’s Nottingham law lecture
'I was watching Suits at the time', Bradley Green tells Legal Cheek

‘Working at a music festival, in the army and as a teacher made me a better lawyer’
Baker McKenzie’s Jonathan Tham highlights the importance of non-legal work experience

Regulator apologises to BPTC students following exam booking chaos
Some spent several hours on the line only to be hung up on or told to call back later

ULaw to offer New York bar course for non-US law grads
Online programme includes an introductory consultation with a US attorney and on-demand lectures