Category: Analysis

Why AI probably won’t disrupt law firms any time soon
25 year-olds earning nearly £200k look safe for now

Law’s high rollers: The firms turning their top lawyers into multi-millionaires
A rundown of the impressive partner profits at the country’s leading outfits

Exclusive research: What time do lawyers finish work at the UK’s top 100+ law firms?
Junior lawyers face long days, late finishes, and an 'always available' culture, highlighting the demanding nature of a life in corporate law

Who is claiming the biggest slice of the SQE prep market pie?
As a major law firm overhauls its SQE partnership, Legal Cheek assesses the battle for law school dominance

‘I passed SQE1 at the first attempt – but here’s everything that needs to change’
A future trainee solicitor offers their post-exam reflections

Qualifying Work Experience: What it is, and what it is not
Legal Cheek explains…

Revealed: Law firms’ average start and finish times 2023-24
Exclusive research shows dip in working hours compared to previous year

Revealed: Law firms’ average start work and finish times 2023
Legal Cheek’s exclusive research sheds light on the working habits of trainee and junior lawyers as firms continue to fine-tune their WFH policies

Does size matter for law firms?
The City Insider puts the data from 2023 Legal Cheek Firms Most List into context

Salary bunching: the unspoken effect of the City talent war
As 'flashy' NQ rates continue to soar, a recent Legal Cheek open thread exposed the 'abysmal' associate salary bands in place at some UK law firms

Law school leaders react to first SQE results
Legal Cheek talks to the key players in legal education to understand what last week's results announcement means for students and the wider profession

Listed law firms record 26% share value rise in one year
Almost double the increase in value of the FTSE 100

How Tiffany blue and Louboutin shoes are revealing trademark law’s true colours
Future magic circle trainee Will Holmes explores the history of protecting your brand from imitators

Why Google’s landmark victory is music to TikTok’s ears
Future magic circle trainee Will Holmes looks at yesterday's data protection ruling

The haunted jurisprudence of ‘ghost law’
Future magic circle trainee Will Holmes asks -- are ghosts legal? 👻

Revealed: The extreme working hours of big-paying US law firms in London
Some junior lawyers are finishing work after 11pm most nights

What lawyers’ response to the printing press tells us about the future of legal tech
Future magic circle trainee Will Holmes looks at the legal profession's somewhat rocky record with technology

Legal Cheek listed law firm fund chalks up 38% increase in just six months
Puts the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 in the shade

What Emperor Claudius would have thought about the City law pay war
Money and law have always had a complicated relationship