‘Failed SQE1 and lost my training contract — what now?’

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SQE student seeks advice

In our latest Career Conundrum, an SQE student wants to know if anyone else is in the same pickle, and for your advice on what their next steps should be.

“I sat SQE1 in January and, unfortunately, while I passed FLK1, I did not pass FLK2 by a couple marks. As a result, my firm has confirmed that they are rescinding my training contract, despite my mitigating circumstances and request for reconsideration. I completely understand that firms have policies in place, but it has still been a difficult and disheartening experience.”

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“I would love to hear more about how other firms have handled similar situations and whether there are any examples of firms taking a more flexible approach. Have you received insights from other aspiring solicitors who have faced this? I’m keen to understand my options moving forward, whether that’s securing another training contract post-SQE or looking at alternative routes into the profession.”

“I’d really appreciate any guidance or perspectives you can share. Thank you.”

If you have a career conundrum, email us at tips@legalcheek.com.



If you can successfully get an appeal from the SRA to strike out the attempt due to mitigating circumstances then your firm should recognise this and not count it as a first as attempt.

I’ll keep you in my prayers IJN.


Don’t go there. Never force yourself into a place that doesn’t want you.

That’s terrible advice

We have careers to protect. 100% cling to the TC now and lateral later. Finding a new firm is a more difficult plan B.

Say master say

Just leave them alone and move on.

Name and shame

Name and shame the firm. Good for others to know to avoid it if possible as this is clearly a ridiculous policy.


I mean there are firms out there who have allegedly known for this. One that rhymes with dance and another that rhymes that ends in “lanes”.

Rhyme police

Clifford Chance does not rhyme with dance. This isn’t the US.

Confused rhymer

Does it not? In an RP accent ‘chance’ rhymes with ‘dance’, both have the ‘ɑːns’ sound at the end

‘chance’ → /tʃɑːns/
‘dance’ → /dɑːns/




Are you pronouncing the name “Chance” differently to the word “chance”? I’m pretty sure “chance” and “dance” rhyme in every accent. They both have a long a in the south of England and they both have a short a in the rest of the UK and in the US.

Reality Check

Is it? If the firm has high standards, it makes sense. Those in cream of the crop are not going to be in this position. For every self-proclaimed future star they might lose, they sidestep nine that were offer mistakes.


Would all those same senior lawyers or HR been have able to pass it with flying colours? This one chance and you’re out policy is bizarrre. I’m pretty sure in America if you fail the bar once, most law firms don’t immediately rescind your offer.


You snooze you lose. Loser


Aren’t you a shining beacon of kindness.
Wishing you the day you deserve 🙂

Rhyme police

You’re a terrible person and mods publishing this for the ragebait engagement, you’re terrible too.


Follow AA’s advice above and try to get the SRA’s decision reversed. Have money? Get an employment lawyer to explain your position to you. YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY. I know it sucks rn but suck it up and improve your position. Failing that, f** your firm. Only a shit firm would sack you in these circumstances. Most of the MC and just sensible firms in general give you a second chance as a matter of policy even without mitigating circumstances. Apply to them, and explain the circumstances you were rescinded in. They’ll understand it’s the firm’s fault (BUT DO NOT SAY ITS THE FIRMS FAULT IN AN INTERVIEW AS IT LOOKS BAD. Just say the facts plainly and that you did everything you could. Sound conciliatory. They’ll draw the inference that your firm are t**** themselves)


Ignore the firm. Their loss. Not a single working lawyer would pass this ridiculous exam.

Pay yourself to take FLK2 only in a few months whilst the content is still fresh. Then once that is cleared (as I’m sure it will be as you only just fell short + only have 1 paper to focus on this time), apply for TCs again. Most firms are humane and would not care that you had to retake one of them, especially since you have mitigating circs.

Slightly longer and more pricey, but you will be a lawyer at the end and joining a firm that actually cares about you and your wellbeing. Good luck. Prove them wrong.


I qualified as a Legal Executive 10 years ago, have worked as a fee earner for nearly 20 years and I still found the SQE1 a real challenge. You are so close, so please don’t give up now. Find a firm who cares about you and not just a number.

north london accent

mr policeman, how do you pronounce chance and dance?

Gop Yah

As above.

Retake the second paper as the knowledge is still fresh then re-apply to TC.

It’s hard given the slog you have already been through, but you are young you can still do it!

Don’t forget to take some well earned rest in-between! :-))


The firms that do this are just setting people up to fail. The pressure of the exam and sheer volume of content is intimidating in the extreme. It’s a format which the human brain isn’t designed to maintain that level of focus for that level of time, even psychologically it is demanding. And yes you focus in practice but you aren’t expected to flit between several practice areas in a matter of seconds. I passed by the skin of my teeth but I didn’t have my job on the line. Add in that pressure and it’s a mind fk and I’m amazed anyone passes.

Some firms have a 2 strike rule (magic circle seems to be 1) but I recently resat SQE2, second attempt, there was a procedural issue which threw my focus on exam one and I’m not ashamed to say when I came out of that exam I sobbed (Kaplan staff actually brilliant). Overall I think I’ve done it this time but I’m not a cryer – it was the pressure and, again, I don’t have my job on the line. There was another girl I sat with who was on attempt 2 and on a 2 strike TC and it wasn’t going well for her, I don’t know how she was standing tbh, she just seemed broken by the end of day 5.

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