Top lawyers quit X in protest against Elon Musk

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Billionaire accused of attacking UK justice system

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A raft of leading lawyers have quit social media platform X in protest against the behaviour of its billionaire owner Elon Musk.

The outspoken tech boss, who has nearly 150 million followers on the platform, has been accused of “fanning the flames” of unrest with a series of posts on his account about the UK riots.

This includes a post where he described the prison sentences given to some rioters as “messed up,” suggesting that the UK has taken a harder line on far-right rioters, and another where he shared two stitched photographs — one pornographic — with the caption: “Found this pic of the UK justice system.”

Musk’s posts have led to several high-profile lawyers quitting the platform in protest.

In a post earlier this week, a barrister who goes by the name ‘Crime Girl’ and is followed by nearly 70,000 people announced that she would no longer be an “active participant” of X.

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“Elon Musk fanned the flames that cause friends and colleagues in immigration to fear for their lives,” she wrote. “They have been unable to go into their offices. Building were set alight with refugee families inside. This is abhorrent in a free and peaceful democracy.”

Steven Peers, a professor of EU law and human rights law at Royal Holloway, also announced he was “done” and wouldn’t return “as long as the owner is a far-right freak.” Peers has over 150,000 followers on the platform.

Elsewhere, Outer Temple employment barrister and LBC radio presenter Daniel Barnett told his 20,000 followers that he was leaving X “at least for now and probably forever”.

Fellow barrister Gordon Exall also announced his departure. “This will be the last post on this account for the foreseeable future,” the Kings Chambers tenant wrote earlier this week. “I have joined the ‘legal exodus’ to Bsky”.

Meanwhile, One Pump Court one of the first barristers’ chambers to leave the platform, stating that the recent changes on X under Musk’s leadership “no longer resonate” with its “core principles”.

Last week, Legal Cheek reported that several law firms, mostly specialising in immigration law, had been placed on high alert after being named in an online list as potential targets for protestors and rioters.



I bet Elon is quaking in his boots!

Still on X

Aside from Barnett these are literal no-names


Friendly piece of advice.

Angrily flouncing out of a room while hurling personal insults doesn’t persuade anyone that you’re actually right…

no not from gen z

Who still even uses X…

Associate in Landan

I always find that those who talk about freedom of speech don’t seem to accept it when other people think differently… For the avoidance of doubt, it works both ways…

It wasn’t long ago people weren’t allowed freedom of speech in relation to certain crimes, which were not prosecuted at the time. Anyone speaking up about what was actually happening were labelled far right…

But what they were talking about was actually happening … Does this mean the government was far right in covering it up?

Mmm… I think Starmer has a lot to answer to…

And no wonder he doesn’t like Musk!


One’s freedom to spew hate doesn’t mean others obligation to hear it.

I don't really know...

Indeed – and that goes both ways.

There are those who spew, and when others spew back they threaten to leave the social media platform because they are not getting their own way…

And what is hate? Yes, the riots were unnecessary and shocking… Absolute idiots who were full of hate and violence when rioting, but cried in court the next day in shame.

But when facts are spewed that are then dressed up as hate by the government… What then?

Interesting times we are living in regarding politics and the rule of law.


So much narcissism on display…


One barrister who quit actually described himself as a ‘narcissist’ in his bio.

Can you imagine actually admitting to that?


They will all be back.

X Is For Legal Narcissists

Yeah, they’ll be back alright.

The attention is quite literally fuel for some barristers.

Associate at proper big firm

They can be like children, very odd lot.


Regulators should be taking a look at whether it is appropriate for members of the legal profession to be active on a hate platform. It brings the profession into disrepute.

(I) Associate with people in asylums

I left Twitter a few years ago because it really was becoming a playing field for state sponsored agitators, and this was before Musk took over. It looks like he’s taken to amplifying a lot of those voices, but this isn’t anything new. He’s been courting the incels and far right loons for ages, so now isn’t really the time to take a moral stance and leave; that would’ve been months ago, if not as soon as he took over.

You Were Never Anonymous

Flouncing out a la Piers Morgan


Love to see it.


X is pathetic anyways. Full of keyboard warriors who say things they’d never say to one’s face. A huge amount of disgusting and disgraceful content including pictures and videos are also shared there. But hey, if you love to bathe in such an environment and thinks it’s totally normal, go ahead. Huge respect to all those leaving X and/or choose not to use it, and not being slaves to social media. This is coming from a gen z btw.

The Best of Best Lol

“Top” lawyers…

Mr Ram

Is Jolyon still on it?

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