Pinsents gives staff Friday afternoons off

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By Bradley Fountain-Green on


Month-long trial subject to client demand

Happy office workers celebrating
Pinsent Masons is trialing a compressed workweek, allowing all employees to finish early on Fridays without a pay cut.

This adjustment enables lawyers and staff to work their standard weekly hours over a shorter timeframe, allowing them to finish by Friday lunchtime, as long as their client, team and work obligations are met.

Lawyers across the firm’s UK, Europe and Middle East offices are currently trialing the scheme, which is now at the end of its second week. Pinsents says it will assess the success of this new flexible working scheme at the end of the month, before trialling it across its Johannesburg and Asia Pacific offices in 2025.

Managing partner at Pinsent Masons, Laura Cameron, told Legal Cheek:

“We believe that embracing new working practices and assessing their impact is an important part of being an innovative business. We have long supported agile working so that our people can structure their week in a way that supports clients, business need and their lives outside of work. As a purpose-led firm, this drive to support our people is very much part of our DNA.”

She continued: “This initiative is an extension of our established approach to work and underscores our commitment to remain flexible in how we manage our lives in and outside of work. We hope our people will benefit from the earlier finish during the quieter holiday period enabling them to take advantage of additional free time.”

We’ve seen firms pilot similar offerings for their staff. Slaughter and May, for instance, has gone halfway there with its creatively named ‘Switch On/Off’ scheme, which allows associates to reduce to either a 0.9 or 0.8 full-time equivalent for a proportionate pay and holiday entitlement cut.

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Before Slaughters, there was Stephenson Harwood where lawyers were offered a deal that sees them earn 20% less to work from home full-time.

Crucially, those at Pinsent Masons can work this compressed week at no extra cost, which means finishing on a Friday at lunchtime without taking a salary hit or working extended hours earlier in the week. This, of course, comes with the important caveat that if you are busy and a client needs you, you won’t be clocking off early.



And they are paying more than addleshaw. This just taking the piss lol


People work on Friday afternoons?

PM employee

This article is inaccurate. The policy only applies if you work the extra hours throughout the week. You still have to hit your utilisation expected of a 5 day working week.

Curious George

What is the daily utilisation expected in terms of hours?


1200. So hardly a disaster to meet that minus Friday afternoons


Sanctioned malingering. What has this country come to?

Big Law?

Being a big law firm does not make PM a Big Law firm

Kirkland NQ

Not a single Lambo in that firm’s car park.


Where’s your lambo?


I nicked it from the Kirkland car park on Friday afternoon. Kirkland NQ is still in the office, despite Kirkland promising staff Sunday evenings off.

Another PM employee

As someone else already mentioned the article is misleading – there is an expectation to work extra hours in the week to make up for the earlier finish.


There is still an expectation to check emails and be available for urgent matters on Friday afternoons. Great initiative for our Business Operation teams though

PM person

Lots of BusOps people need to provide coverage on a Friday afternoon and can’t benefit from this. It’s a great initiative but if it’s taken forward it needs a bit more thought to be fair.

Another, Another PM Employee

To reiterate, this article is misleading. They’re only ‘giving staff Friday afternoons off’ if… we make up the time during the rest of the week. There’s no reduction in hours targets.

The headline might as well read: ‘Pinsents gives staff Friday afternoons off, by making them work Tuesday nights’.

Associate at proper big firm

Wow, so they probably still bill more on Fridays than a DWF associate does all week.


Regional lawyer

‘To work their standard weekly hours over a shorter time frame’
is incompatible with:
‘those at Pinsent Masons can work this compressed week at no extra cost, which means finishing on a Friday at lunchtime without …working extended hours earlier in the week.’

If you’re not doing extra hours earlier in the week, you’re not working your standard weekly hours.


Client demand will obviously render this charade meaningless.

Another, Another, Another PM Employee

The article and marketing is all spin. PM has recently had a new ‘Chief People Officer’ and I think it is one of her initiatives. For lawyers, this is meaningless. More deck chair on Titanic rearranging.
If only they would spend more time fixing broken systems and processes rather than this ‘sound bite’ stuff.

Regional voice of reason

The caveat that the client / workload can necessitate a PM associate to work later on a Friday is pretty damming once you consider that in order to qualify for this early finish you have to have hit your weekly billable hours goal.

Simply put: if you’ve hit your billable hours target before Friday, you are obviously busy and so it’s likely the work will require you to continue working on a Friday anyway.

Genius. Firm ups billables and people love it.

So the trial is to get everyone to work all their weekly hours ahead of Friday 12pm, and then, providing there’s no more urgent work to do, they get the afternoon off. BUT if there is work to do, they do it.

Predicting increased billables during the trial where everyone will suddenly find that despite having worked all their hours ahead of Friday 12pm, they still can’t go home because something urgent has come up.

The brilliance of this is that people will thank the firm for this scheme whilst the firm gets to up people’s working hours and billing as a result. Win-Win.

PM employee

This article is inaccurate and poor on the firm’s part. Employees have been told to keep themselves available for client needs in case required and not make plans on Friday afternoons in case they are needed. Don’t see the firm mentioning this anywhere with this shiny announcement?

A US associate

To reduce my target hours (1950), to PM hours (1200) would be the equivalent of me not working Thursdays and Fridays. Me thinks they doth complain too much at PM.

Anon PM

To clarify – PM hours are not 1200. For Associates/Senior Associates it is 1500 chargeable. Plus a non chargeable target. These are the minimum expectation to be Meeting Expectations.

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