Weekly round-up of the top legal blogosphere posts
Judgment call: the case for leaving the ECHR [Spectator] (free, but registration required)
A tweet deceit. Is there any tweet the police will not investigate? [The Critic]
More contempt — but resurrecting the old law is surely an empty threat [A Lawyer Writes]
What happens when AI trains itself? [Prospect]
From Capture to the Court: The Use of Digital Technology in Advancing the Pursuit of Justice for International Crimes [Oxford Human Rights Hub]
Competition chronicles: Microsoft vs The CMA and FTC [Legal Cheek Journal]
Shutting Down Uber? Employment Status and the EU’s Proposed Platform Work Directive [Oxford Law Blog]
Does AI have a right to free speech? Only if it supports our right to free thought [The Conversation]
What will the bar look like in 2043? [Law Gazette]