Weekly round-up of the top legal blogosphere posts
We cannot have a criminal Prime Minister [New Statesman] (free, but registration required)
Boris Johnson’s Triple-Whammy of Unlawfulness [The Law and Policy Blog]
Why are criminal barristers taking part in an ‘unnecessary and irresponsible strike’? [The Secret Barrister]
Anna Soubry: I wholeheartedly support barrister strikes, I warned Chris Grayling about cuts years ago [iNews]
Reforming the constitution. But are Raab and Braverman willing to reform their own posts? [A Lawyer Writes]
Did the Colston trial go wrong? [Policy Exchange]
Dear Legal Profession – letter from a solicitor apprentice [The Law Society]
Is banning conversion therapy legal? [The Critic]
Matthews case was a futile and expensive mistake [Law Society Gazette]