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The best social media posts of the week 

A round-up of online musings, memes and more

People using social media on their mobile phones
Big Law Phrases Decoded. Trainees, brace yourselves. [Egbe Manton on LinkedIn]

Musings from a paralegal looking for his next job role [Laurence Carroll on LinkedIn]

Kirkland associates right now [Alex Su on X]

LawCare’s ‘Life in the Law 2025 survey’ closes today [LawCare on LinkedIn]

I’ve been a solicitor apprentice for 6 months. Here’s what they don’t tell you before you sign… [George H on LinkedIn]

You get money in the US?! [Legal Cheek on Instagram]

Ashley, Ashleigh, Ashli, Ashlee, Ashlay, Ashlyn, Ashlynne [Litigation God on Instagram]

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